1 day ago
Sep 23, 2011
Such an important message - wish EVERYONE realised this :(
Dear Happy Girl,
You may be fooled into thinking, after you have tried on the 7th dress of the morning, fretting and worrying over how slimming, how flattering and how new and fashionable each one is...that your friendships, your motherhood, your marriage or your day depends on what you wear.
You might even be fooled into thinking that the kind of car that you drive determines who you are as a human being, or that the neighborhood you live in decides your worth.
Every day we get fooled into thinking ridiculous things, sweet friend. The key to happiness is recognizing just how ridiculous these beliefs are, even if people around us are also fooled into believing them.
The people who matter in your life don't care what you wear, what you drive or where you live: they love that beautiful heart of yours.
So please stop putting so much pressure on yourself, friend. Stop measuring yourself by these crazy irrelevant standards. YOU are beautiful, amazing, talented, loving, funny, sweet and kind. Your clothes, your car and your house have nothing to do with ANY of that.
Just be you.
You are so loved.