Oct 22, 2011

Homeschool Science Day!!

Today was Homeschool day at Telus World of Science.  Abigail was signed up for two classes, and Sam was signed up for one.  Sam took a class called 'Colours, Colours' and enjoyed taking part in various experiments involving mixing and separating colours of the spectrum using various techniques including water, prisms etc etc...

In the afternoon I took him to the star theatre to watch Dr Agar's Halloween show which involved a few tricks involving fire and pumpkins etc and a bit of dancing to Thriller and other old songs...

Abigail took part in a class called Green Scene which was all about the environment - she came out with a fertiliser treatment for plants made from a teabag!!!  She really enjoyed the class!  

In the afternoon she took part in a class called 'Cauldron Brew' in which she made all kinds of things including a bouncy ball from some kind of polymer!!

We ran into a few homeschool friends - although not as many as we expected to - in fact one friend even commented that she didn't recognise anyone there - it was really strange as the classes were packed but with all new faces!!  We did see Garrett and Margo though which was nice...and Brandy and her girls...and a few other friends we know...Abigail of course knew a lot more people than I did as she knows quite a few of the children from park days and various classes and events.  

It was quite a hectic day - running from one class to another...dropping one off....filling an hour....collecting one..dropping the next....making sure they got fed and watered in between classes (lol) but all in all it was a good day.  They enjoyed it and learnt a lot anyway!  

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