Feb 8, 2012

Sculpture classes wound up today....

Today was the last sculpture class of this block.  We focused on paper sculpture again and created spheres which they could then embellish and use as hanging decorations or use their individual imaginations to alter the spheres as they wished.  Some made flowers, some made small spheres inside bigger spheres, one made his into a lantern complete with flame.  

The second activity today was to get into teams of two and work together to build a 7 floor skyscraper out of mini marshmallows and toothpicks.  They all LOVED this activity and were very focused on it throughout despite the sugar involved :)  

My next class is a two hour class on creating a vision/ dream boards - learn how a vision board can help you reach your goals and dreams.  We will spend two hours creating a beautiful canvas full of your future ambitions - or focus on a goal you have for this year!!  Positive affirmations, inspirational words, favourite words, quotes and pictures that will will help you to see what it is you want from life.  Find out how to focus more clearly on long term goals, how to stay focused and challenged!!  Learn how to stay true to your dreams and goals!!  Create a vision board for a happy life:

(this pic is not my own)
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