Apr 25, 2012

Wednesday Tag..

1. William Shakespeare's birthday is celebrated on April 23rd...when did you last read Shakespeare? What's your favorite Shakespeare play?    I haven't read any since school probably....my favourite would be 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'.....and probably only because I saw the play with school.

2. What food(s) would you recommend a foreign visitor try when they visit your home country? If you mean England, then I guess real chips in paper at the seaside!!  And I've recommended my friend visits the pie shop in Bath when she goes there in June!  To anyone coming to Canada I would suggest pumpkin pie...or something from Timmy's maybe...

3. What's a lie you often tell yourself? Tanning is safe.

4. What's something you're good at that might surprise us? Remember this is a family friendly blog! Reading maps and remembering directions.

5. Who is your favorite animal character from a book? Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh - or maybe Tigger...lol or maybe even Winnie the Pooh :)  I like all of those friends on there :)  

6. April showers bring May flowers...do you have a green thumb?  Nope I'm useless and prefer good quality fake ones because they don't die!!  :)  

7. Speaking of rainy days...which one of the following activities would you most want to spend time doing on a rainy day-

  • sort photos and create albums
  • bake cookies
  • read a good book
  • hold an all-day movie marathon
  • organize closets, cupboards, or bookshelves
  • try a new recipe
  • fix something that needs fixing
Rainy days inspire me to do crafts or activities with the kids or read with them...or bake....or do art....or declutter or get organized...I also like to drive in the rain so sometimes it inspires me to go out!  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Tomorrow is a busy day!
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