May 15, 2012

Field Trip to John Janzen

Today we headed to the John Janzen Nature Centre, to join them for a 'guided nature walk' on the topic of 'Backyard Biodiversity'.  It was a lovely little walk across the pond and into the woods and around.  The Guide was really nice and great with the kids - I think we all learned quite a bit - about Carpenter Ants, spruce trees, birch bark, woodpeckers and porcupine!!  

This is a bird feeder, but can't be used for bird food right now, because a squirrel moved in to it and made it's home or 'drey' in there!!!   It was full of fluffy bits and wood chips and dirt...very strange but so interesting!!

We had a snack and drink and then borrowed the 'Adventure Backpack for pond dipping' - a backpack they have created full of interesting games and activities about the pond and pond life - and all the bits and pieces needed to study pond bugs!!  

They checked the temperature of the water:

Sam caught 17 pond snails :)  

Abby found all the frogspawn on the other side and we went to see it too - and we caught several tadpoles, but they were still REALLY tiny!!!

It was a gorgeous 20c sunny day and we had a lovely time.

We also played inside in the indoor playground:

The indoor beehive is now also in the indoor playgroundand you can watch the bees through the glass and see them coming and going through the tube that leads to the outside!!

Sam bought himself a HUGE sharks tooth in the gift store - to add to his collection.  I think he said he has 27 now????

Another fun day of learning!!  Another fun day in the sunshine :)  

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