Jun 12, 2012


Hello, hello, how are you all today?  It was sooo good to have endless sunshine and 24c temps again today after all of that rain we had this past weekend!  We spent the day outside making the most of it - as much of the week is supposed to be wet again!  

We gave Rosie a MUCH needed bath - and she was all fluffy and sweet smelling - for all of about 30 minutes, and then she headed back to the pond and to play in the mud...sigh.....she just loves it!  Sam also enjoyed playing with the hose in the mud pile - so I left him to it because I used to LOVE making mud pies as a child and I think it is sooooo GOOD for him :)  He will miss all this space and freedom here when we move - he does so love to play outsie.  he asked today if he could get his dad to build him a SIMPLE treehouse in the woods at the side of us - but I don't think it is worth doing if we are moving.  

Rosie didn't seem too happy about her bath today:

I was barefoot and the ground was all wet and soapy from the buckets of water and the hose - so I played about in it :

Rosie was soooo soft and fluffy afterwards - I recovered with a cup of chamomile tea:

She didnt stay clean very long - but was happy about that - and it didn't stop her getting lots of love from Abby:

Abby practiced juggling for a while:

I cooked supper on the bbq again and it was sooooo good - spicy seasoned new potatoes with vegetables and burgers:

Blue skies and fluffy clouds all day.  Laurence and I headed to Safeway for groceries tonight:

Abby is such a hat girl :)  I think she looks sooo much like my Nan!!

What else did we do today??  Abigail painted some ceramic horses from a craft kit she got for Christmas!!  we all did art journaling this morning - they had fun with the Dylusions sprays - Sam is enjoying doing lettering on his pages.  His art journaling techniques are fabulous!  I love that he knows things like Gesso, inks, stamping, decorative lettering etc etc

I cut the grass, I watched the videos from three of the classes I am taking right now.  Cleaned my bedroom floor, dyed my hair....Sam watched a dinosaur documentary, Abigail read and watched a movie - she finished her current book - off to the library tomorrow!!

So that was Monday :)  
Hope yours was a good one


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