1 day ago
Oct 15, 2012
For today...
Outside my window...blue skies, fluffy clouds and sunshine. 15c and lovely :) I'm hoping Sam can play at the park for a while during Abby's French class :)
I am thinking...that the laws regarding child protection are all wrong in this Province and seem to be on the adults side and NOT the childs side :( It is ridiculous.
I am thankful...that my boy is celebrating his 17th birthday today and is happy and healthy.
I am wearing...boots and a new hat that I got that FITS and I LOVE it - and two people complimented me on it yesterday which made me soooo happy :)
I am creating...a Fall mini album :) Full of memories of Fall 2012
I am going...to meet Laurence at DQ after he finished work so we can have ice cream and watch him open his gifts :)
I am wondering...when the homeschool funding cheque will arrive.
I am reading...no time to read right now.
I am hoping...that Kevin is enjoying his stay in Canada.
I am looking forward to...getting settled in our new place - and our next adventure :)
I am learning...that life is one long adventure and it is fun - and each step teaches us something new - even the sad parts :)
Around the house...chaos - but fun crazy chaos - for the most part - and even the tough stuff is making us the people we are meant to be!
I am pondering...why some people do the things they do - and why some people continue to do the things they do even when it is clear those things are NOT working for them.
A favorite quote for today...whatever will be, will be...
One of my favorite things...Canmore and Banff - the mountains :) I love them!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Horse riding lessons start, Celebrating Laurences birthday, gymnastics class tomorrow, homeschool club, Whyte Ave, pumpkin patch fun with homeschool group, Crazy chicks turkey supper, Elk Island Park....