I didn't fall asleep until almost 3am this morning and was awake again at 4:30 and then asleep for a while and then Lloyd woke me with coffee at 8am.....It was not a good night - no idea why I didn't sleep well :(
This morning we had an appt with the Principal at a school we are considering for the children......the meeting went really well and we thought the school was wonderful! Its a Catholic school but its ok that we are not Catholic - we just had to sign forms to say the children can participate in religious activities.....which is fine with me......
The class sizes are really small - only 8 in the kindy class this year - and that will be the grade 1 class next year! 8!!!
So the children will start in February....they are excited and want to start after Christmas but we had to make excuses as to why they can't!!! I have to say that I am really happy with this decision......a lot happiuer than I thought I would be - seeing the school really helped and it it is just soooo different to the local school thankfully!
After the school meeting we said goodbye to Lloyd and he drove off to work and we headed into town......we went to Chapters and bought a few things and then found some gifts for my MIL and then we grabbed a few groceries in Safeway for lunch and headed home.....we got home around 1pm after checking the mail box and finding 3 big parcels for us and letters for Susie and Abby from Santa!!!!
Chris and Laurie got started on the workbooks they chose in Chapters - grade 8 math and grade 6 math and LA.....
Susannah sat and read her American Girl magazine.
Abigail played doctors ALL afternoon and is STILL playing!!! I gave her a first aid kit that was out of date and she has had a fab time - I have been bandaged up, had my arms wiped with antiseptic wipes and then been given injections and x-rays.....she has put band aids on and she even got the red paint out and made blood for the bandages........and she learnt the word haemoglobin!!!
Laurie had his head bandaged and I wore a sling - on my head as well as my arm!!! :)
It was fun!
Lloyd is at the IBM clients Christmas party tonight so we had supper early and then I put Abigail and Sam in the bath together......I wrapped a few gifts
Now they are all playing and relaxing before bed.....
Tomorrow we start operation clean sweep.......my In-laws arrive on Saturday so we have to declutter and clean the house!!!! :) Although with workmen here all week the dust levels are high so it seems a little pointless anyway lol!
1 day ago