1 day ago
Dec 14, 2006
Its not often...
Lloyd doesn't go out very often at all...I don't recall the last time really. Last week was his office night out for Christmas - but he was home by 7pm!!! Tonight is the IBM clients CHristmas party/ buffet type thing.......well he is here now but Emailing me constantly! He says its 'ok' but he says he won't be long!!!! Its funny that we prefer to be together and even though our daily evening routine can be boring and dull, its what we like and we don't like change lol! So even though it isn't often that one of us will go out without the other, we don't actually like it very much! I suggested he drink and then stay over at his friends downtown but he said he'd hate that - he wants to come home! Lol! Boring couple that we are - it makes me happy :)