Actually it isn't JUST Hump day...its probably......'kiss the first strange person you meet day' or something equally as weird.......Any time you need to know what day it really is, hop on over to Cheerios Babble's blog because she always seems to know that kind of useless information :) And No Cheerios you are NOT # 31 either :) fact I find the discussion of lint fascinating (excuse me while I stifle a yawn lol)
So yes it's Wednesday.......and I think I am ill....seriously ill because its 10:30am and today I have already spring cleaned Samuels bedroom, washed all the windows at the front of the house (yay for temps above freezing it means I can finally get all that dog snot off my windows!!!! Peeps back home you have to realise that over here its really difficult to wash your windows in the winter because the water freezes as soon as it touches the glass and I can't use antifreeze because the dogs lick the all winter long my windows are they are CLEAN but it won't last because the snow is melting and the dogs are mucky and they jump up at the windows but for 5 minutes at least I have sparkly windows yay!)
OMG I just spent 5 minutes of my life discussing cleaning windows.....Hhhmmmmm maybe I am #31!!!
I have also cleaned out the cutlery drawer, sorted 3 baskets of laundry, made toast for the kids, and tidied the junk bowls in the kitchen......
What is wrong with me???? Is there a cure for this springcleaning frenzy-disease?????
Christie is coming over this afternoon (OMG I just can NOT get rid of that girl lol) and so is Val!!! Val has never met Christie before but knows her (isn't the internet weird like that?)
You know I keep having to look and admire my windows :)
Tonight I have two options - I can go to a Partylite party - a Mom from preschool, OR it's date night and Lloyd and I can escape for a few hours by ourselves......his suggestion is a tour of Home Depot to get ideas for his birthday...normally I would say NO but I'd quite like some more empty paint cans and at least he seems to be forgetting the idea of a pet tarantula!
Oh and my computer is starting to smell like started yesterday and this morning I had to switch it off because it was really bad...I put it back on to see if Christie had emailed me and it doesn't seem too bad at the moment thankfully...but if you don't hear from me for a while you know why - its because my pc died and I have to wait to use Lloyds laptop when he gets home!
Have a great day everyone!
1 day ago