Maybe I am just very open minded...maybe too open minded at times but I read this story about a brother and sister who didn't meet until their 20's and then fell in love and I think.....who is it harming? They 'were' a happy family with 4 children.....who sadly have now been taken into care.....
I just don't understand who this is harming...yes its odd..yes it's an alternative lifestyle but who cares? Why do the authorities have to stick their noses into a happy relationship between two consenting adults when neither is at risk?
Do they think the couple are going to abuse their kids because of this? I don't....
Surely there are enough kids in care already without taking innocent happy healthy children away from loving parents like this?
I remember a soap in the UK called Brookside and they covered a storyline like this where two adult siblings fell in love and moved in together.......I was much younger then and yet still didn't really see the problem with it....
Yes of course incest between parent/ child is wrong......incest between minors is wrong...incest where it is not between two equally happy and consenting adults...
But in this situation especially, where the individuals didn't even meet until their 20's......well I just don't see the issue.
Surely there are bigger issues the authorities could be concerning themselves with.
1 day ago