This morning has been lovely. I woke up around 8am and Sam was snuggled into me still....he was snuggled into my shoulder at 5:30 or whatever ridiculous time it was that Lloyd squeezed my hand and whispered I lay there for a while watching Sammy sleep...all snuggled with his skin looking so rosy and warm and soft......he is growing up so fats and I know it won't be long before he doesn't sleep with us or snuggle with me in the mornings............
Once Sam was awake, I sat in bed with my coffee watching the local news...or what was left of it....and then I read the journal...actually I read Sundays journal (my favoruite of the week)......lots of interesting topics which I want to blog about later actually...........I phoned my Mom (no answer) so a little later Susie phoned my Mom and Mom said she would phone us back as they were waiting for her friend Liz to call them....Liz is having her chemo today and my Mom and Dad take her to hospital in the morning and then wait for her to call for them to go pick her Mom will call later once they are home....
The kids then called all of their friends and planned Friday......when we will pick up their friends...what we will do....who is sleeping over here........and then Laurie got invited to a sleepover tonight.....
Eventually I got out of bed (lol) and cleaned the bathrooms....emptied the medicine cupboard and threw away meds from 2005 (yikes!) and then vacuumed upstairs......showered and came downstairs....
Now the girls and Sam are playing with the Barbies on the kitchen floor.....I bought a washing up bowl yesterday specifically for them to use on the floor for water play......and Susie also has an Avon inflatable 'foot spa' that I got free a couple of years ago and looks like an inflatable swimming pool for they are happily playing there and best of all it will get my kitchen floor clean because they will spill water everywhere! :) Maybe I should be concerned lol but now Susie is going to get Ken to go skinny dipping with the girl dolls in the 'hot tub' hhhmmmmmm......
Chris is sat in my big chair reading 'Ghost Stories of Alberta' and discussing Jack the Ripper............did I think he really existed...and then I shared my story of how I have been to the house of the Yorkshire Ripper (famous serial murderer in the UK) sad I know but I have very few claims to fame and this is one of mine!
Laurence is at the table painting his dragons.........he was outside earlier..took the garbage down for me and then played with the ping pong balls by hitting them onto the garage roof and waiting for them to roll down.......
So thats my day so far!
23 hours ago