I was reading an article in a magazine yesterday.......the article was on happiness and how to put more 'happy' in your day.....
The article suggested having 'touchstones' for happiness......that EVERYONE should have objects or pictures or 'things' that shout 'HAPPY' to them.......or have something in your pocket or purse or car...it can be a picture of your husband who always makes you laugh.....or a painting you created that you are really proud of.......or a brooch from a Grandmother who you spent many happy times with....a photograph of a favourite place you have happy memories of.....
What are your 'happy' touchstones?
So I was thinking about this and I think that it is these touchstones that make a house a home......I hate those homes where the people went to Ikea and just bought everything there...they buy a 'look'....it isn't personal and it isn't 'them' it's just what they aspire to be.....but it doesn't make a home.........
I also can not STAND those shows where people go away on holiday and come home and find their home has been renovated and redecorated by the tv designers........HOW IMPERSONAL!!! If anyone ever 'surprised' me by decorating my home I would be devastated! I KNOW I would hate it.
I look around my home and it is filled with touches of 'happy' with memories and sentimental objects that remind me of people and places and happy times.......even my books are 'happy' touchstones............
I also have my gratitude journals that I keep in keepsake boxes...in fact my keepsake boxes are filled with all those 'happy' things I HAVE to keep but that I can't have out on display all of the time......paintings the children have done...cards they have made me...birthday cards, letters....gifts from friends......love letters and notes from Lloyd.............
So my advice would not be to have a 'happy touchstone'........but instead, to surround yourself with things you love and things that remind you of how you are loved....things that make you happy...things that make you laugh.....
Make your entire home your 'happy' touchstone............
1 day ago