It must be my day for out of the blue emails.......crappy one from Lloyds friend...nice surprise from my cousin Lynn (although my Mum had said to expect it at some point)
And then this afternoon I got an Email from 'toxic friend' I haven't heard from 'toxic friend' (from now on known as TF) for this is totally out of the blue.
TF is an extremely jealous person.....she can handle talking about what she has and what she's done and what she's doing....but as soon as you mention anything you bhave or are doing or have done...well thats it she stops contact for a while (probably to seethe....most surely to moan at her DH about how life is unfair....and then to spendmoney they DON'T have on getting equal or better.........TF's husband is just as bad......TF's DH can not stand not having everything - not having the same or better than everyone else......
TF and her DH are VERY in debt...but they don't let that stop them 'enjoying spending' on anything and everything on credit...........
So last year TF had a big foreign holiday planned and I was so excited for her...I made a bon voyage card and bought her lots of scrapbooking supplies for her trip......listened to her excitement......shared in her joy....
I was NOT allowed to discuss my excitement about Disney ......she could not handle it.......I was cut out of her life until she could do better...bigger.......
Its not just this though....its been one thing after another with TF for the last three years......I ahve told myself again and AGAIN to end this is not healthy and I always end up hurt.....
SOMEONE stop me replying to this email because I just know if you don't stop me then I will be meeting her for lunch and having to take on all her toxic crap again :(
1 day ago