This is the hospital where I trained as a psychiatric nurse...I lived here for 4 years.....in the nurses accommodation...I worked on these wards, ate in the cafeteiria and the sad sad thing is that the patient in the photograph was one of my patients! She was really bossy - quite a character!
We had summer fairs there....we had bowling greens, tennis courts...I met my first hsuband there and had endless parties in the social club....and in the nurses accommodation......
I lost my virginity in that nurses accommodation lol! Had my 18th birthday party there AND my engagement party!
The padded cell was not in use then but we did go in it to see what it was like as part of our training...
I have so many memories from my training and my life in that psychiatric hospital....its really sad to see it in that state......
This link takes you to 10 pages of photographs...I find the state of the activity hall really sad.....I used to go there to watch my ex play badminton on Tuesdays.....
The picture above is the nurses accommodation I lived in for the first year or so before I moved to the newly refurbished Caldwell House......My ex's room window was behind the tree....5th window along from the end........one day we came home to find someone had driven a van up under his window and stolen everything from his room.....we used to feed slices of toast to squirrels out of the window..they'd come right up to the windo and take it from our hands....