This morning we had breakfast at Esso - Vals older three children joined us as their school is closed today. It was so nice to see them all - K was wearing her Lululemon jacket which was REALLY nice.....
I THINK I have lots of pictures of Vals crew because Abigail and T were busy with my cell phone camera! I need to look through those and see what they took pictures of lol - I know they got a glam shot of Val...I must remember to post that one later ;)
Val surprised me with this most beautiful birthday gift . I have hung it by my computer :) Thank you Val! I had forgotten it was my birthday not long ago.....the last few weeks have been a blur!
I have to admit though that it was the card that meant the most - Val wrote some VERY kind things inside the card and...well I was really touched! Thank you so much!
Breakfast was kind of crazy - and I'm not sure we actually finished even one conversation completely...but it was fun, nice to see everyone, good food and sooooo great to get out of the house at last!
I was going to drive into town but the roads coming home were yucky with the wet snow so I came home instead. Got to one junction and there was a minivan there that looked familiar - then I realised it was Val......I waved but was puzzled until I remembered Val goes home a different way...I wasn't expecting to see you there Val lol but we waved like crazy when you turned. I hope that doesn't count as watching you leave ;)
So now we are home. I started a blog for Abigail - she really wanted her own blog. It will be good for her to practice her writing, spelling etc etc but she may get bored in a day or two.
I am going to vacuum and wash the floors and then do some baking. When the kids get home from school I will go to the mail box. Abigail is waiting on a parcel and I am hoping my books will arrive from Chapters.
Chris has his basketball finals tonight - I hope he wins! His match starts at 5:30pm and Lloyd is going to watch.
We still haven't made it to La Ronde for dinner - it seems my babysitter is always at basketball or wherever - either that or the weather is bad or I am we STILL aren't getting there - maybe next week. Lloyd has offered to take me to the Cocoa Room downtown when we go - its a specialty chocolate store that just opened. It sells single origin chocolate - the REAL thing...and they do demitasse cups of hot chocolate which is REAL melted chocolate with chilli and cayenne etc added to it - its very much like the store on Chocolat!!! I want to try the Venezualan choccy bars - they say the bars they sell are like wines, and that the beans from different parts of the world have their own different flavours.
As for tonight though Valentines Day won't be too exciting. Lloyd may not be back from the math until 8pm...then he is making me a steak dinner (I chose) and then we will exchange gifts and cards and curl up with a movie - he is hoping to grab a copy of 'Becoming Jane'...the Jane Austen biographical movie....
I did wake up to a little note on my coffee this morning...and it was extremely corny lol - made me laugh out loud!!! It said 'Happy Valentines Day. Life without you would be like a broken pencil - pointless!' lol! Too funny!
I texted 'will you be my valentine' to Lloyd from the Esso and he wrote back 'sure' so I complained at how unromantic his response was - he laughed and said he was in a meeting at the time so was quick as he didn't want to leave me hanging! I told him that 'always' only has 2 extra letters lol - would that have been so hard to type???? lol! I love you Lloyd ;)
Val - thank you for breakfast - it was so good to get out and a nice change to have to get dressed properly and not slob around in tracky pants all day again!