I was speaking to my sister just now and she was saying that she didn't know I had other blogs! So I figured I should do a post about my other blogs and the other blogs listed to the right.
On the right of this page is a list of blogs that I enjoy visiting. When you have time, please click on them and visit with my blogworld friends. Leave a comment or two (or ten) on each blog you visit - people love to have visitors to their blogs and LOVE to get comments!
The top few blogs listed are my blogs. I have a blog about my running journey (Running To Mickey) although I don't update that blog nearly enough!
I have a blog about our home renovations - called Our Home Reno blog...this is where I post all the details on the addition we are having built - if you go there and click on archives/ older posts you can see the plans our architect drew up for the house. I will be adding before/ during and after pictures of the house and building work.
My Abundant Blessings is my gratitude journal - where I post several things from each day that I am grateful for. I have kept a gratitude journal for about 5 years now, but recently thought I would do this in a blog format. I don't write in it every day so I am not sure how it is working for me - I think I prefer pen and pare but I will try and update there as often as possible.
Homeschooling First Grade - this is the blog that follows our journey through homeschooling Abigail - I po0st about things we do, how Abigail is progressing, as well as useful links and info on homecshooling in general.
Under my profile, Susannah and Abigail also have blogs - they are private blogs and if you'd like to read them then just let me know and I will send an invite.
All of the other blogs belong to friends of mine - some are people I have met in real life. Some are people I have met via their blogs. Some are people I have met online at Linking Parents etc and people I consider friends even though we have never met (I was trying to explain to my sister that Jennifer is a friend of mine - but Clare thinks its weird because I have never met her! Well all I can say is that some of my online friends are people I know more about and have more in common with than anyone I have met in real life. Jennifer is one of these people! I'm kind of scared to meet her in case we don't get on in real life because I don't want to lose the friendship we have.
A few of my friends have blogs that I love to read but are not listed here - either because their blogs are private or because I selfishly want to keep them to myself :)
Anyway - when you have time, please visit some of the blogs on the right and say hi :)
Patsys Ponderings is one of my favourite blogs to visit. It is always filled with such interesting posts and her podcasts are wonderful - all about a simple life and very much in the Sara Ban Breathnach style!
1 day ago