Last night we dropped Chris at the campgrounds at Miquelon Lake - he's camping there with his grade 9 class as part of their Farewell Festivities and graduation. It looked so much fun! I snapped this shot as we were driving off and it was funny! I was teasing him and blowing kisses and the girls were laughing and Chris was telling me to go and telling his friends 'Don't encourage her'!!! :) They have all kinds of activities planned from fishing at a trout farm to orienteering, swimming, learning to light fires, games, soccer etc, ghost stories and hikes etc etc but mainly just making memories!!!
Next week we have the graduation and farewell dinner and Chris is the MC :) Considering he only arrive at the school last February he hasn't done badly :) I am very proud of my little guy :) Although I shouldn't call him that any more as he isn't little any more is he??? :) although saying that - aren't girls tall these days????? :) geez I felt so small next to them all hahahahaha!!!!!