.......started at 3am when I started dreaming about a spider on my arm...I kept brushing it off only to awake realizing t wasn't a spider but a mosquito that had been feasting on my arm and I had FOUR nasty bites on my arm!!! BIG ones!!! It had also bitten Lloyd twice on his back! It was then swollen and on the ceiling so I woke Lloyd up and he squished it and it was FULL of blood YUCK!!!
Get up early and dye my hair and shower it off and then atruck pulls up when I am NAKED!!!! Rush to get some clothes on and go down stairs and the carpet layer is here WHAT?????? he is not due for three weeks!!!! He hasn't even confirmed a date with Lloyd - he said he would phone Lloyd and confirm a date ut that it would not be for at LEAST three weeks as he is fully booked up!!!!!
So he comes to the door and I go downstairs brushing my hair as I go (which is wet as I just got out the shower). He has opened the mudroom door and sees that Lloyd has not done the prep work on the mudroom floor for the linoleum (obviously as it is like cheap plywood and the kids will get splinters so we are not doing it until like two days before they are coming to do the linoleum and he said NOT FOR THREE WEEKS MINIMUM so Lloyd has not done it yet - so this guy is NOT happy and he comes to the door all agitated and says why ahs the floor not been done and they are here to do the floors and it was all booked and my husband knew it was today and he has spoken to my husband several times and it was on the board at work to come today and why was it on the board if it was not today and why did I not know it was today and he starts ranting and starts acting all weird and looks ready to start throwing things and OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!
The young guy he was with was so calm and looks so used to this behavious and was just watching my hummingbirds at the feeder and was obviously used to this guy getting it wrong and losing it lol!
There was no way Lloyd got it wrong and I explained that he had not phoned Lloyd back the way he had promised he would and he had not confirmed a date with Lloyd and I had no idea why our address was on the board at work but even if they ahd suggested today we would not have agreed as I already had plans for the 29th (I was supposed to have breakfast with Val and her Daughter today which was planned WEEKS ago and had the children not been sick I would have been there but I don't want to give Vals Grandson their germs) . Anyway the younger guy agreed that it was the older guys mistake and that they could take the linoleum back the warehouse and rebook! The older guy didn't back down and admit that it was his fault at ALL but a couple of hours later he left a message on Lloyds machine saying ther was a 'mistake' on the board at work and that he would rebook for two weeks time!!!! But what pisses me off is he did NOT apologise!!! Yet he was so aggressive and he was rude about lloyd and blamed Lloyd for it all yet it was HIS mistake!!!! He should apologise not least for his behavious yesterday and how rude he was - I am so glad that young guy will be here when they are here! I think I will be out while they are here in two weeks time as I do NOT want to be here while they are here! I am so glad we can lock the house and they can only access the mudroom and not the house so I can go out and leave the mudroom open for them.
So that was the start of my wonderful day!
Then Lloyd came home and we had to take Rosie to the vets so Lloyd dropped me and the children in town at the track meet so we watched Laurie in his race while he went to the vets to drop Rosie. After the race we went to the mall as I had to get some birthday gifts for parties the kids are going to the next few days. Then Lloyd had not eaten at all so we went to get something to eat but just as we were about to order, all the lights went off in the mall and the fire alarms started going off. Within seconds all the stores stared to lock their doors and the mall had to close quickly and we all had to leave the mall! Turns out the power grid in Sherwood park had gone off! No idea how or why. But all the fast food places in the north end of Sherwood Park had to close and all the traffic lights stopped working so it was chaotic everywhere ad emergency vehicles started rushing off to some place....
So we ended up having to drive down to Wye Road to Dairy Queen to get Lloyd something to eat.
I have no appetite any more so I can't eat much so I ended up eating just the fudge lumps out of a small Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard - I can't even eat half a blizzard any more....a small one - just the lumps is about all I can manage lol - last year I could easily eat a whole medium one lol! YUM!!!
Raced back to pick up Laurence. Raced back to the mall which was finally re opened. Got the presents. Raced home. Laurie showered after his trackmeet. Packed Chris's camping stuff up. Fed the kids. Picked Chris's friend up from South Cooking Lake. Drove out to Miquelon Lake and got them settled at the campground. Drove home and got the dog crate. Drove into Sherwood Park and got Rosie from the vets. Drove home and watered all the plants outside. Can't believe that it rained by our mail box and in South Cooking Lake yesterday but NOT at our house!!!!. Exercised the dogs and saw to everything outside. Bathed Sam. I soaked in the bath.
7 hours ago