Lloyd found a little friend on the Crab apple blossom yesterday. Cute huh? He named it Syd little. By the way Val and Tess - this friend is NOT a tosser ;) - and he is welcome to store his boat in my workshop all winter long ;) Oh AND he can come visit as often as he likes!!! Mind you HE isn't likely to ignore me completely, make offensive comments about breastfeeding or about women in general or just be a completely jerk!. Nope definitely NOT a tosser ;)
I love you Lloyd - even if your friends are dorky :)
Thought I should add that the reason for my rant is because after storing his boat and jetski all winter long for him, Lloyds charming friend (gggrrrr) came over to get it last week. I was watering the strawberries not 10 metres away....hard to miss lol....I smiled and waved.....he didn't even acknowledge me...no smile, no hello......no how are you Jane?....didn't even bother to look my way. I mean what the hell am I???? Hired help?????????? Its my house and workshop too you know......It was me that let him store his stuff for free all winter long too you know.....How rude and obnoxious is that??????