My weekend catch-up!! Friday turned out to be so much fun! Well, it started out to be hellish! Sam wasn't well Friday morning. He screamed ALL morning! About ants! Normally he loves bugs of all kinds. He catches them, cares for them. Watches them. But after he hallucinated about them the other night, he hasn't liked them at all. So Friday morning he saw an ant in the kitchen and started freaking out. Refused to walk on the floors. Refused to sit at the table. Refused to go anywhere. Cried and screamed. Wanted to be carried EVERYWHERE. Would not let me leave him alone. Even had Abby carrying him. Just screamed constantly.
In the end I had to just leave him on the bed crying for a few minutes while I had a break for a shower. I just needed a break. By lunchtime I managed to get him to come outside. He refused to get dressed but he did ut some shoes on and come outside. By 2pm he was willing to come and look at the ant hills and by the time Lloyd came home he was fine and back down by the hives with me and had forgotten his fears thank GAWD!!!!!
I was exhausted by then though!!! Definitely needed a night out!!!
And what a night out it was lol!!!!
Val picked me up at 5pm and we headed in to town. Met Tess at 5:45pm at the scrapbook store and we headed to the big yard sale at Clover Bar Ranch. All our plans had changed because we had found out that day that the yard sale was a week earlier than normal. It's normally the last weekend in May! Oh well -w e all wanted to go so that was fine! We got there just after 6pm and didn't leave until 9pm!!! It's a whole subdivision (new housing estate) of garage sales (like car boot sales but out of their garages) and you walk from one to the other all evening.
It wasn't as good as normal as not many houses had sales but we still managed to find bargains and had so much fun chatting and looking. I think Tess thinks I'm a little bit crazy - she laughed at one point and said she was a little bit scared to see me drunk!!! Hahahaha! Thankfully Val is used to my wacky sense of humour and just tends to roll her eyes ;)
I got plenty of books (at least enough to annoy Lloyd with). I also found a lovely white rocking chair for the front porch ($10!!!!) and a dish thing for strawberries....not sure what you'd call it - but it is shaped like a basket but its china and it has strawberries in a design around it. Val says its very me :) and that was 50c :)
After the yard sale we went to East Side Marios and had dinner and Bellini's it was a lovely evening! I had such a fun evening - so lovely to spend the evening with Val and Tess! Thanks so much both of you for coming out! And thank you for sharing the funnel cake with me - that was amazingly delicious!!!! YUM!!!! :)
We have to do it again soon! Charlynn!! Cori!!! Sharon!!! And anyone else Everyone else!!! You should all come and join us :)
Off to have dinner and then I'll write about Saturday!!! :)
1 day ago