Oooooooh!!! I have a new reusable bag!!! A Marks and Spencers reusable bag!!! Thanks you Mom and Dad!!! :) It arrived yesterday :) It's short but very wide :) and a cute shape :) I was kind of hoping it would be FULL of M&S groceries :( but sadly no :(
lol! I LOVE M&S groceries!!! Ooh we used to do all our grocery shopping in M&S in Scotland!!! Such great food!
But we did get a lovely parcel of things from my Mom and Dad yesterday - Susie has gone to school today in her new leggings and t-shirt - she added a little skirt over the top - a very short skirt but it looked cool :) - the tshirt says 'I love my attitude'.
Abby is wearing her leggings today too! I'll take some pictures later!
The flying saucers are almost all gone - surprise surprise!! And the puppets were a huge hit! I think I managed to photograph one - the others were GONE and were being played with!! so missing from the photo are susies clothes and the puppets and most of the candy flying saucers.