Last night we started working on the main flower bed at the front. We decided to dig out the whole bed. The soil in this bed (as my Mom will well remember from her attempts to dig in it last year) is nasty heavy clay. So we are digging it all out with the tractor and refilling it with the new lovely soft soil we had delivered. To the right of the rock - closest to the house - will be all grass - this is because we always walk and sit on the rock and we use the rock to sit on for photographs a LOT!!!! and any plants put in the flowerbed there get stood on and squashed all the time so it is POINTLESS!!! So we are going to grass up to the rock so it doesn't matter - makes a lot more sense to me!!
Then all the flower bed we are taking away from that side, we are going to ADD to the side!!! So the flower bed will still be the same side but be added to the front which makes sense. We are going to get ride of all the crappy plants in the flower bed that we hate. and practically start from scratch - keep the irises we love, the day lilies and the trees and things we like and I have a ton of different lilies ad other perennials to go in. I want to buy some peonies to go in and some other plants - I want bee friendly perennials basically that are Alberta tolerant!
So basically the rock is staying but will end up being at the rear of the bed. and will be central. It will still be there for us to sit on for pictures :) All the crappy soil will be GONE.....a nice deep layer of good soft fluffy soil will be in there. Grass to the rear and perennials maybe with a few annuals dotted about in the front. So this is what we are working on right now :) Looks a mess right now but I will take a picture when its done and it should look completely different and I will take a picture when it is all in flower too :) and again next year when it will be more mature :)