Lloyd wasn't at work today so he spent this afternoon building a 10' X 10' sandbox for the children. Yesterday while we were at the garden centre we ordered the sand for it. We get the sand there because its the softest sand we can find - the sand you get in the bags at toy stores is gritty and not soft at all - it has quite large grains and isn't that great for building sand castles - but the sand we order from the garden centre is very very fine and so so soft! It's like the finest beach sand down in Florida lol!
So they delivered it today and the sand box is already in use - we bought the toys last week when we vought the summer toys. We went to Canadian Tire today while Abby was at drama class, and bought two tarps - one to go under the sand to stop the grass growing through, and one to go over the top and get pegged down to keep the sand dry and keep the cats out when the sand isn't in use. The sides are high enough to keep Charlie out.