I'm glad it's Friday, it seems like it's been a long week and I'm really tired. Really, REALLY tired. Our evenings have been as tiring as our days - even here at home we don't seem to have stopped. Next week isn't looking any quieter!! I keep waiting for life to slow down, and it just isn't!
Anyway, this is a bit of a catch up post!
Monday - on Monday B came over with her two girls. We had a lovely day spent with them. The children did some painting at the table. Sam and Abigail had been painting when they arrived and for some reason were painting caves! Sam was painting bear caves - scenes of caves with old trees by them....I will add some pictures later because I love Sams art work - he's actually REALLY good at art! Abby was painting bat caves instead! B's girls joined in when they arrived. We also spent time outside down by the pond, trying to catch frogs but mainly catching bugs and looking at frogspawn. We introduced everyone to Charlie the pig, and they played on the trampoline and in the house while B and I chatted....and we had lunch...
On Monday evening Lloyd had to go out and get a lot of supplies at Home Depot for the basement renovations and finish some work down there ready for Derek to start work on Tuesday.
Tuesday - On Tuesday Derek started work on the basement renovations - it was soooooo NOISY here :( I was glad I sent Laurence to school even though he had a headache!! It would have been terrible for him here. The house was shaking and it was just like it was a few months ago when the kitchen was being built! I made coffees for all the guys (we now have 4 or 5 guys here each day (2 in the basement and then 3 on Denis's team) and then I took Sam to Pre-K. Abigail and I decided to go for a walk while Sam was in school. We walked down to the Timmy's by the Flying J. It was lovely and warm when we walked down. We went in to Timmy's and had lunch. Abigail ordered soup which she enjoyed :) By the time we came out and walked up to the scrapbook store, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped a bit. You could smell the smoke from the fires up in the north of the county which we could see from Millennium Place. We stopped in at the scrapbook store and Abigail had some money to choose a gift for me for Mothers Day. She chose and paid for that without me seeing it. I bought some papers and bits and pieces - OMG I love paper - I was chatting with the lady that owns the store and we were laughing about how we would never have believed 10 or 15 years ago that we would have ever spent quite this much money on PAPER!!!! But it's soooooo pretty!!! She was saying that it's going up in price too! :( I LOVE paper! I've always loved paper - even when I was at school I loved to buy A4 paper and pretty stationery in lovely colours and patterns - and now its scrapbook cardstock and papers in all colours and patterns :)
Abigail and I enjoyed our walk and the way we spent our afternoon strolling around the retail/ industrial estate!! A little eating/ a little retail therapy....lots of chatting....some climbing and balancing and laughing and her being silly looking in the mirror windows not realising the people in the offices could see her ;) It was a fun way to pass the afternoon. We picked Sam up from school and headed home to find my whole upstairs covered in DUST!!!! All the dust from the basement renovations had traveled upstairs!!!! All my new hardwood and all my new kitchen and my main floor was covered in a thick layer of dust!!!! and people had been walking through it!!! Waaaahhhhhh!!! Thank you to Lloyd and everyone who helped clear it all up VERY quickly!!! XXXXXXXXXXXX So far thats been the only day with any dust from the basement reno!!!! Mind you, I think they realised that they need to keep the door shut lol!!!!! Susannah had a friend back to play after school on Tuesday - she came back on the bus with her which is fine BUT on Wednesday at school we found out that this girl (Supermoms Daughter) had read Susannahs journal and she then told everyone in Susannahs class what was in her secret journal :( how horrible and rude!!! Susie says she was crying and so her teacher called the counselor and the counselor let Susie go to her room and talk with her there BUT Susie refused to give out the name of the girl responsible :(
I can't remember what we did Tuesday evening...but we've had late nights and busy evenings every night and have been out almost every evening....and I'm pretty sure Tuesday was the evening we were running about all evening and also grocery shopping and had to pick Chris up late from his meeting - he has won a really big award at school which will be presented at a film festival next week - he is one of just two students in his school to be presented with this award and will actually have a live feed of his work at the festival - so we get to see him working live! The award is for his editing work!
Wednesday - On Wednesday Val came over for coffee and brought her gorgeous 18 month old Grandson with her. Carter is the cutest little thing - he is staying with Val for a few weeks while his Mommy and Daddy are on holiday in Greece and the UK. They had forecast rain and although it was breezy, the back deck is sheltered and it was sunny, so we sat outside and it actually got really hot out there! We had a bowl of bubble mixture out there and a bowl of water and we had croissants and chocolate brownies....Sams sit and ride car, the skipping rope etc etc...It was fun watching the children playing with the toys and bubbles etc. At one point Carter picked up the big tub of bubble mixture and tipped it up...I tipped the water over the bubble mixture to rinse off the deck (C has a sore toe right now) and called out 'watch out below' as Derek and Terence are working on the basement and might have been below the deck walking and got soaked!!!! Or soapy!!! lol!!! Luckily they didn't!! It was just fun watching Carter playing in the bubbly mixture and having fun :) And so nice sitting out in the sunshine relaxing and chatting with a good friend :)
By Wednesday with the winds picking up, you could smell the smoke from the fires at our house :( so very sad and worrying! Dark skies rolled in mid afternoon and the children wrapped themselves up in blankets and sat on the porch to enjoy the first of this the years daytime thunder storms!!! It was LOVELY to get to enjoy the wrap around porch for the first time in the storm :)
Can't remember what we did in the evening, but later in the evening just before bed, we repotted a lot of our plants - still have a lot more that need to be repotted. We must have done something though because there was a reason we couldn't go on datenight!!!! OMG I'm losing my mind!!!!! Oh - one thing I DID do was cook Gulab Jamun!! The dessert that I LOVE from the Indian restaurant!! I found a mix for it at Superstore and thought I'd have a go!!! :) It was a success :) Really easy so have a go!!! :) yummy :)
Thursday - exhaustion, not sleeping well, didn't get up much before I HAD to to leave for pre-k. I was very glad that Abigail did NOT have an art class this week. It was clay this week and I had not booked her in to this class as she has done clay work a LOT in the past so I felt this would be a good class to miss. Left for pre-k. Abigail and I went swimming. I was quite sad as Thursday afternoon was the first SHINE park day and we were looking forward to it. Val was going to come with us, but because of the storm yesterday, the ground was too wet and then they forecasted rain today and so we decided to do something else instead and it turned out that a few people DID go but not many and those who did go didn't stay long because it was too wet anyway.....hopefully next weeks will be dry! It will be fun for Abigail to see her friends there! So anyway, we went swimming and we had a great time - the pool was quiet. Abigail and I played catch with the ball for a while, played in the lazy river or whatever it's called....she went on the slide a couple of times and she practiced her swimming - she is doing pretty good on her back stroke and her front stroke...she likes to practice floating too. She was a bit disappointed in the waves after being at WEM waterpark lol!
After swimming we went into the playground and we were in there before Sams class came in - he was pleased to see us and he showed me that he can now do the monkey bars all the way along! He was so proud! He looks so funny doing them as he kind of swings all the way round with each bar and he looks like he is going to fall constantly! But he makes it :) He's stronger than he looks :) Funny little thing :) They made gifts for Mom in Pre-K today :) It's all wrapped up so I will look forward to opening that on Sunday!
Last night was date night and we went to our Indian restaurant. I ate faaaaarrrrr too much - was chatting to the owner and told her I cooked Gulab Jamun at home - she was really pleased and was giving me tips about the syrup etc etc. They are opening an Express restaurant with wraps etc on Granada Blvd in July - can't wait!!!! We drove home my favourite way and saw deer by Deer Mountain (about a dozen or so) and near the lake we like so much....and the sun was setting near the lake too. I like going home that way...it's the perfect way to end date night...we park by the side of the water and listen to the red winged black birds and watch the deer and the birds, geese, ducks etc etc
And so now it's Friday.....Lloyd is on his way home as he was only at work for one meeting today....the weekend is starting early :)
1 day ago