1 day ago
Mar 19, 2010
Friday Fill ins!
1. Today I will be cuddling and caring for my itchy, scratchy, sad little chicken poxy boy and sadly NOT going out for dinner as planned with Dave and Tracey :(.
2. There doesn't seem to be much attention on tv on the Paralympics at ALL and I say why not?
3. What do you think of Annoying Orange?? Or Marshmallow Murder?? My kids are a little addicted and I have to admit I find them funny too Don't forget though we're a family who likes Salad Fingers*.
4. At Starbucks on March 23rd it's free Pastry Day til 1030 Friday!
5. People say that what we're all seeking is Happiness.
6. The image I cherish most is My babies all curled up sleeping contentedly.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Hhmmm not sure now as we were supposed to be out for dinner, tomorrow my plans include seeing how Sam is before I decide whether to follow through with my plans and Sunday, I want to see what the day brings!
* Youtube them lol
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