Mar 19, 2010

West Park Hospital, Epsom

I was just googling the hospital where I did my nurse training, and I found this photographic website of Britain in ruins.  There are some wonderful - and wonderfully sad pictures of the hospital I lived in - and trained in - for three years.  The hospital where I met my first husband.  Where I had my engagement party.

On this first page you can see so many places I worked and socialised - so many memories.  We lived in the grounds - in fact my first room was in the building in the bottom picture on page 1:  HERE

And I can't believe the burned out hall HERE  (scroll half way down) where my ex husband used to play badminton in the evenings.....

Seeing many of these pictures makes me feel quite sick - how the government could let such beautiful buildings go to waste - I understand some of the beliefs behind closing down the institutions BUT the way they did it was sooooo WRONG and now seeing the waste left behind - remembering the stories and the personalities of the people who called this place home for so long :(

I remember walking THESE corridors many MANY times with friends, with patients, get go for head to work on head to the store or cafeteria....

I remember being given a tour of the PADDED CELL when I first arrived as a student - it wasn't used though even then - just kept as a piece of history!!

It's wonderful to see these pictures and remember back - but so sad to see somewhere that meant so much to me in such a sad state - I was hoping it was being utilised in a better way!!!  :(

You can read about the hospital HERE  it's really interesting!!

I moved there when I was 17.  I have such great memories of my time as a student - fun times :)
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