Today I went to the mail box and was very happy with what was there :)
Today I hoped the tide had changed permanently but sadly no...
Today I dreamed of new beginnings
Today I forgot to get the letter out of the car
Today I heard more geese fly overhead even though its 30c
Today I said he was a selfish bastard - and I meant it. He is.
Today I read all about my new class.
Today I watched Sam walking along looking through his mini telescope :)
Today I believed my fate lies in the hands of a totally selfish bastard :(
Today I felt powerless to protect my children the totally selfish bastard that doesn't seem to care about their futures and best interests :(
Today I wondered endlessly how best to deal with this situation
Today I bought a french cd and lemonade.
Today I cleaned my bathroom.
Today I was riding a roller coaster. I am happy and had a wonderful day with my children - we enjoyed the gorgeous weather and our time out - we had a great day homeschooling and Abigail enjoyed her class. we had fun at the park - I had a good time with Susannah there - the farmers market was fun too. It was a great learning day :) It was also a good day for developments regarding Abigail and therapy. She also had a good day and no melt downs!! It was a GOOD day :) The only bad part was dealing with divorce stuff. Get that out of the way and life will be perfect :)
1 day ago