Jun 2, 2012

My Abby Banana...

My Abigail is sooooo beautiful!  She is always so photogenic and looks amazing in every hat she puts on her pretty little head :)  I am so proud of this girl of mine and the person she is becoming.  I watch in awe at times.  She is so amazingly independent and has such incredible confidence!  I am sure that much of that comes from being homeschooled.  I love the way she talks to adults and the way she confidently orders for herself and others when we are out - or the way she knows what she wants when she is at the library and has the staff running circles to find things for her!  I leave her to it - she often has a list of books she wants and will use the computers and staff to find them, order them or choose alternatives.  

I love hearing her chatting to people she knows online - she has friends dotted about the globe - many who are homeschooled, and she chats daily to them.  She is also so amazing on the computer and on Minecraft - the way she stands up for herself on there and tells people how stupid their rules are - in fact she got so fed up with them that she has now created her own server so SHE can make the rules and decide who stays and who goes :)  

I am so loving my days with this girl of mine - yes she is contrary, yes she struggles with her moods during the heat and when over tired, and yes you can REALLY tell when she hasn't taken her meds on time - but 95% of the time this girl is INCREDIBLE to be around - she makes me laugh with her quick wit and amazing sense of humour, she still loves cuddles regularly, and she loves so many of the things that I do.  I love her sense of style and her confidence to be herself from such a young age!

Abby you are definitely going to make a mark in this world of ours :)  

Love you so 


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