Jun 30, 2006

Shadow lands........

Scenes from our stroll

A few pictures I took when we took the dogs for their walk.......when you walk down to the pond now the grass is literally moving around you with frogs of all sizes...they all rush back towards the pond as you go nearer....Lloyd caught this little one for me to photograph......in the sunlight it was almost copper......quite beautiful.

The little white shed is actually the bus shelter...because it is so cold here in winter most acreages have a little shelter so the school children can stand in there waiting for the bus to pick them up from the end of the driveway.......I think ours is lovely....most of them tend to be shabby and ugly. I'd like to stencil plants around the bottom of ours one day....

The pretty old gate that is still standing behind Lloyds workshop...I plan to keep it simply for photographs over the years.......and the last picture is Rosie with the ball....she adores playing fetch and is quite brilliant at it...not like her big sister Amber...........Amber hasn't got a clue about retrieving!!! I think she's an Irish Setter in disguise......

Chicken feet

Don't chickens have the most enormous revolting feet??????

Here are some of our girls....soon to start laying.......they are such odd creatures...they just sit on thier roost and stare at you..........yet as soon as you go they wander around...you go in again and they stay still again...as if they are playing musical statues at a birthday party and the first one who moves is out! .......or roasted on Sunday lol!

Lloyd adores his chickens...as does Chris....these are very, very pampered chickens. But they aren't very bright ;)

Summer evening stroll with the dogs....

My girls Rosie and Amber in the front paddock this evening.......

Plant life.....

Some of the plants and flowers (and cuckoo spit) from our land today.....Lloyd hadn't heard of cuckoo spit before but I remember seeing it on nature walks as a child...it's created by little bugs as a protective layer during metamorphosis......in this top picture its hard to focus on it but it's the white bubbly stuff by the plant stem.......

Peony pleasures

Flowering at last......and they are stunning......



We have Field Ant hills all over our land......they don't often come by the house so we haven't bothered to do anything about them......I find them facsinating.....and the article above shows just how amazing these creatures are at measuring distances....

.....maybe our house will cave in from all the ant tunnels under ground but ants sure are neat to study!!!

first impressions

Sometimes you meet people and you instantly feel comfortable with them...conversations flow easily and you just feel like you've met a new friend in this big old world......

And then there are those people that you meet and you just know you will never be friends...you feel uncomfortable, they 'rub you up the wrong way' (is that an English term????) and conversation is so hard......and you leave the situation feeling low....sometimes this happens with those you come across online and sometimes with those you meet in real life and sometimes both...but its most difficult to handle when you know you are going to cross each others paths again and again......

This has been a week where I have experienced both of the above......and I certainly know which situation I prefer ;)

How ironic

"Our third workshop will be held in May titled " Here there are dragons” .
Using Schema focused methods for challenging childhood/traumatic life traps or
resistant behaviour

" .

So The Farmhouse Therapy Centre recently held the above workshop.....hmmmm its about issues adults have that date back to childhood experiences......hhhmmmm



And how funny that it was run by the owner of this therapy centre......my EX...the same ex that has not spoken to his children since Xmas 02...the very same Ex who hasn't seen his children since September 02...and then was late to come and pick them up because he didn't get out of bed on time........the same ex that lives in a half a million pound farmhouse and can honeymoon in the Caribbean and visit NYC regularly to see his Mom but can't come a few hours further to see his own children.....he doesn't send letters, doesn't email, doesn't phone....they sometimes get birthday cards and a little money...sometimes not...it's a guessing game for the children....maintenance hasn't been reliable lately......even though he pays a lot less than he really should...

He's 'curing' clients who were treated this way by their fathers....and they are paying hundreds for the privilege........can't he see that he's doingt he same thing to his own children?????

How ironic is that???????

And I bet none of his clients have a clue what their therapist is really like......ah but of course they all probably believe his wicked ex wife 'stole' his children away from him! That I won't allow contact.......he even has his new wife fooled...doesn't she wonder why he doesn't maske any effort to see his children????

Irony...what a funny thing it is........

Jun 29, 2006

Honours Award

Here are Chris's awards for getting Honours in grade 7. He's proud of course, but more than that I think he is just happy that the year is through and he is finally free of that school board.

Well done Chris!

Blackberry picking :)

Lloyd is at the homeschool boards end of year award ceremony. Chris is being given an award of some kind...he gets honours all the time so maybe its for that....... or who knows what award they have come up with....last year Chris got a special award when he graduated grade 6. It was voted for by staff and students for being an all-round great person...helpful, clever, friendly........I was very proud :) to me that award meant so much more than an award for honours because I know how easy studying comes to him......

That doesn't mean I'm not proud of him for his results...just that the fact that he is growing into such a good, kind, respectable and responsible human being is so much more important than test results.

Anyway Lloyd keeps emailing from his blackberry...some little girls are playing violins atm and he wants Abby to learn ha!!!! I told him she can practice in his office ;)

He also needs the bathroom so I keep emailing him water sounds....I also told him to stand up and swear and pretend he has tourettes...that would liven the place up ;)

Chris wrote a fab book report today....another book about the second world war...his interest atm.

I started feeling worse and worse this afternoon so popped some tylenol and soaked in a cool bath for a while......I read the entire Live Free Learn Free magazine from cover to cover - wow what an issue!!! EVERY article just spoke to me......if you homeschool or unschool or have the slightest interest in your childs education then subscribe to this magazine - or just order the July/Aug issue because it's worth every penny!!! www.livefreelearnfree.com

I read an article about 'exploring the slow lane' to Sam.....he loves to be read to...he doesn't mind whether its a childrens book or one of my magazines, he will happily sit and run his finger along the page and look around the room as I read to him.....

Laurie got invited to a sleepover tonight but I said no.....Lloyd came home and then drove back into the city for the ceremony and I don't feel up to driving tonight...but he can invite the boys over another night....I'm sure they'll be here a lot through the summer and he will be there too.....

Great Lloyd just called to say they are on their way home...with dinner :)

Ignorant to homeschooling

Quite often I read ignorant comments about homeschooling....silly things like 'people only homeschool so they can stay in bed late in the mornings'....or 'they only homeschool so they don't have to bother making school lunches'......or 'they only homeschool because they are lazy'......

.......and then days like today you read comments by these same types of people saying how they are so happy their kids are on summer holidays now because they get to do 'fun things' with them........

.....don't they see that THIS is why most people homeschool....because they LIKE being with their kids and they WANT to be the person their kids are doing these things with ALL YEAR!!!!

I hope if anything that this blog shows the few who read it what homeschooling can look like.......every homeschooling family is different but this is one way it works. I don't stay in bed all day.......I don't sit and watch Dr Phil and Oprah all day.......I'm not homeschooling because its the 'easy option'.....I homeschool because I love what it brings to us as a family. I love what it brings out in my children. I love being there to see them learn and do and watch and grow and shine. I don't want all this limited to 9 weeks in the summer.

What annoys me most is that those with these ridiculous opinions actually seem to know very little about homeschooling and don't seem to know many if any homeschoolers...so what are their opinions based on???? Jokey comments that homeschoolers have made?????? Or what?????? Because in all my years of homeschooling and mixing with homeschoolers and chatting online with homeschoolers, not ONCE have I EVER come across anyone say that they homeschool so they can stay in bed in the mornings.....or not have to make lunches......

This is a total misinterpretation. I have heard homeschoolers say that its nice that they don't have to get up and rush their kids out the door to school...I have heard them say its nice that they don't have to make lunches in the evenings when they are tired or early in the morning in the before-school rush.........but thats a 'benefit' not a reason for choosing to homeschool.
What do these comments (and others) prove to me? they prove that these women are ignorant and a littler sad because they seem to have no better argument. Are they just trying to justify their own choices??? I'm not sure.......all I know is that I have never judged their choices in that way yet they feel able to judge mine quite rudely. My opinion of these women is not very good but I'll leave my opinions about THAT to myself ;)

Comment changes

I recently changed it so anyone can leave a comment here...not just bloggers...i'll see how it goes and if I get any spam maybe I'll change it back......

...so if you read the blog please feel free to leave a comment and say hi! If you haven't fallen asleep at the keyboard from reading about my unexciting life ;)

Soccer monster

Sam loves balls...he has a huge collectiopn all different sizes and he loves to throw and kick and roll them.......he's pretty nifty at throwing a baseball too ;)

A good mail day....

Fuzzy Felt Farm

Laurie making the plane that came with his magazine.

Susie with the headband from Grandma and the card from her penpal.

Abigail in her headband from Grandma playing Fuzzy Felt Farm

Abby looking cool in her new headband.

Today was a very good mail day which made me sad that ew didn't go on that walk and collect mail on the way as I know the kids would have loved opening the box today! There was a parcel from my Mum and Dad in England......with FUZZY FELT FARM!!!!! Woohoo! I had asked her to look out for old fuzzy felts at car boot sales and charity shops but this one was one she found new at the toy store.....

I remember sitting in bed sick when I was little, with my stripey blanket I always had since birth and boxes of fuzzy felts to play with....fuzzy felt hospital, fuzzy felt circus......we had a lot of them including the farm!

Also in the parcel were two Beano's for Laurie....one with a plane to make on it.....

Susie had a Happy Canada Day card from her penpal R so she was thrilled.

I had my 'Live Free Learn Free' unschooling magazine which I can't wait to read, and a newsletter from the homeschool board (the one I'm not signing with).

Some days I wish I had a Grandma like my kids have - she sends them such cool things!!!

Much needed......

I was stressed out and feeling ill at lunchtime...we were going for a walk but Abigail couldn't find one pair of matching shoes anywhere...then she let the dogs out on purpose and was generally driving me nuts and all seemed like too much effort so I said 'forget it' and Chris babysat while I went for a drive, stopping off at the mailbox to check mail....

When I got home there was a lovely mug of coffee waiting for me on my desk and all the younger ones were 'busy' doing things so I could have peace to enjoy my coffee and calm down.

How did I get such a wonderful Son????

banana popsicles...

Laurie wanted to cook today and I didn't want the oven on as it's nice to have the house cool today especially with my sun burn keeping me hot already!

So Laurie saw a recipe for banana popsicles on a tv show this morning that didn't need 'baking' at all and asked to make them. They look yummy and are in the freezer atm. They can have them after lunch :)

Wherever you left it....

The girls are playing with their dollhouses beisde me on the floor......its funny listening to them play...reminds me a lot of me when I was their age....and some of the things they make their dolls say is hilarious....

One of the dolls has lost something and the Mom doll is shouting at the girl doll that she needs to find it NOW and it's 'wherever you left...' and the parents have gone out for dinner at Joey Tomatoes...how funny!!!! :)

The wooden dollhouse in the picture is one Lloyd made for Abby to play with while he was building the bedroom downstairs...she loves it and will often use that one more than the big plasticy Barbie house that talks......When I was little my dad made me a wardrobe for my Amanda-Jane dolls and also a balance beam and vaulting horse for my gymnastics loving Sindy doll :) So I love to see Lloyd make these simple wooden toys for the children!

One more day

One more day until Lloyd has a week off...he is sooo looking forward to it....he enjoys his job but prefers to be at home...which I take as a HUGE compliment because I know so many men who are workaholics and would rather be at work....

I'm still not sure what we are doing today...we have a few choices.......some friends invited us over, there is a homeschool 'park day' in town all afternoon......the kids wuld like to go to the library and sign on for the summer reading game that they take part in every year...and CHris has his award ceremony this evening....

But we are all tired from being out every day this week and we all seem happy to stay home and relax....the girls have their dollhouse downstairs and are playing with their dolls......Laurie is watching the world cup and flicking between other shows too....asking questions about why Martha went to jail and why people trust her again.......so no idea what he's watching!!! Chris is relaxing as he has taken allergy meds and is drowsy and not feeling great...I was in the sun too long yesterday and burnt my back.....so am not feeling my usual fab self (lol) so I am happy to take it easy.....

My Homeschooling Horizons magazine is very good this month.....a lot of articles on nature study and nature journaling.....I've been reading up on Charlotte Mason and do like the idea of keeping nature journals for the childre.....although I guess they have been doing this themselves anyway as the girls take notebooks with them on their adventures and come back with drawings and notes on the plants and animals they have seen......here is a link about nature journaling Charlotte Masons way.....


I think I will find some nice plain paper notebooks this weekend and we can go out sketching and investigating next week.......Chris has been doing some nice sketches of our house too and maybe I will see if the others would like to join me in walking around our land and sketching what we see.......

Every week in the local paper they print an article callede 'You be the judge'. Chris loves to read this and discuss it. So this morning we were discussing the recent one. A lady was getting married but her fiance was always sick...she asked if he had AIDS and his family said no......three years later she is diagnosed with AIDS and so she sued the family because they lied about his illness.....she won a fortune that no doubt helped her pay for treatments and to be comfortable through her last days......

Chris wants to study civil laws next year......he is interested in law but says he doesn't want a career in it.....he sometimes considers politics though as a future career.......but mainly says he wants to work in the film industry....

Laurence wants to make some banana pops....stick a chopstick in a banana, roll in syrup and sprinkles and freeze.......I guess he can do that......ok so I'm off to get him the things he needs....

and still no idea what we will do today but this is how unschooling is.....no plans...but learning takes place.....lots of it.......and as a Mom its amazing to watch my children learning in this way the things THEY want to learn and are interested in.

Jun 28, 2006

New provincial homeschool regulations


So the new home education regulations are done....after months of concern from many many homeschoolers it seems very little if anything was changed....or maybe I am missing something.....I am sure it will be discussed in the local group for a while so I will find out any differences.....but none of the changes look as though they will effect us as a family.
Below are a list of outcomes that are expected to be reached by young adults who have been home educated traditionally, unschooled.....or in other ways than through the Alberta Curriculum:
Learning Outcomes for StudentsReceiving Home Education Programs That Do Not Follow the Alberta Programs of Study
1 A basic education must provide students with a solid core program including language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

2 Students are expected to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare them for life after high school. A basic education will allow students to

(a) read for information, understanding and enjoyment,

(b) write and speak clearly, accurately and appropriately for the context,

(c) use mathematics to solve problems in business, science and daily life situations,

(d) understand the physical world, ecology and the diversity of life,

(e) understand the scientific method, the nature of science and technology and their application to daily life,

(f) know the history and geography of Canada and have a general understanding of world history and geography,

(g) understand Canada’s political, social and economic systems within a global context,

(h) respect the cultural diversity, the religious diversity and the common values of Canada,

(i) demonstrate desirable personal characteristics such as respect, responsibility, fairness, honesty, caring, loyalty and commitment to democratic ideals,

(j) recognize the importance of personal well‑being and appreciate how family and others contribute to that well‑being,

(k) know the basic requirements of an active, healthful lifestyle,

(l) understand and appreciate literature, the arts and the creative process,

(m) research an issue thoroughly and evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources,

(n) demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in problem solving and decision making,

(o) demonstrate competence in using information technologies,

(p) know how to work independently and as part of a team,

(q) manage time and other resources needed to complete a task,

(r) demonstrate initiative, leadership, flexibility and persistence,

(s) evaluate their own endeavours and continually strive to improve, and

(t) have the desire and realize the need for life‑long learning.
I don't see any problem with my children reaching these outcomes.......even through unschooling ;)

Howdy partner

My stetson wearing soccer monster :)
in the world cup shirt Grandma and Grandad sent
from England

First taste of a splashpark

Today was Sams very first visit to the splashpark with us and he had a blast! He loved being in the water and just kept parading round in the little streams and puddles and touching the sprays of water. Sam doesn't smile much when he's concentrating on a new experience but it was obvious he was loving it all - he hada determined look on his face the whole time!
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