Wow what a day... it just seems to have been a really long day!! Long but good! I love the light is still light at 11pm or so. It means we get so much done and have the evenings to make the most of!
Chris had to tidy his room this morning - his friend A is sleeping over Friday as they are still working on their computer game he had to tidy it....Laurie and Susie helped....turned out Chris was paying them to help! Ah well, if they are daft enough to tidy it up for 50c thats their choice!!!
I wahsed the outside and inside of all the main floor windows and I washed the floors and dusted, did 5 loads of laundry and washed the mudroom floor.
After that they all spent time doing the Foil Art kits I bought them yesterday....and Abby did her velvet art although she didn't like colouring the velvet side as it felt strange to her so she just coloured the 'extra' picture!
I bought a couple of magic sets yesterday too and they all spent hours playing with those today and perfecting their skills.....the man that came about the furnace today was telling them about magic trick websites they could look at to learn more tricks!
We emptied the old craft cupboard in the basement and brought all the supplies upstairs.....
We looked through the package of Forest/ tree posters and booklets that arrived yesterday...a paper producer in the US sent them to us......the kids chose some posters for their bedrooms and I put my favourite one in the shows a slice of trunk and it explains how you can tell how the tree has lived through fire, drought and disease......
We let the dogs in for a while and groomed them both and I went outside and threw treats for them for a while too......
We played with Sam with his box of blocks for ages...he loves us building towers and then he (very violently) knocks the towers down and shrieks with delight....Chris says he is just like Damien from The Omen.
This afternoon a man came from the power company to give us an estimate for air conditioning, new furnace etc etc...he was extremely chatty (I know his entire life story now I think) and the kids adored him...he was doing Donald Duck impressions and sat there for ages while the girls showed him their magic tricks.....he said they could do the air conditioning in 1 1/2 weeks time which is much faster than the other company......
As the furnace guy left we found a dead sparrow on the front grass...Cairo probably got it....poor I had to pick that up and get rid of it....
I drove down to the mail box and Susie had a birthday party invite from J for a tropical garden party!!!! I have to buy her a grass skirt!!! I sat for a while and read through the information from THEE that arrived...I am still leaning towards Education Unlimited though.......THEE seems extremely academic..........
Lloyds came home around 5pm or just after and we had dinner around 6pm.....sausages, fries and veg....really easy throw in the oven stuff! Ah well!!
After dinner I went out and mowed most of the front lawns....some of the back......Lloyd worked on the coop (he says the chickens can move in at the weekend FINALLY!!!!!)
Lloyd and I sat and watched Bad Santa which is much better in High of the good things about Lloyds tv!!! Which I still swear is too big grrrrr) and we munched on some pistachios (sp??)
Today is Christies birthday - I didn't know until she told me tonight!!! Happy Birthday Christie!!!! Hope you had a fab dinner out with Rod!
Today I am grateful for:
1. A house filled with laughter today! It was a good day.....I don't think we stopped laughing all day!
2. The chicken that got stuck was fine........our pampered little spoilt!
3. That Lloyd has a job where he can phone and email me all day long :) now he has his blackberry we even email each other through his meetings :)
4. Living in a province with such choice regarding education of our children.
5. More and more beautiful flowers opening up in our garden...even if I don't know what they all are :)
6. Living in a Province with no big spiders.....the one things I fear about going home for a visit.....
7. rained last night.... it rarely rains here and we really need the moisture!!!! I love the sound of it and the smell...reminds me of home :)
23 hours ago