I was chatting with a friend today......I don't know her too well but she seems really nice. She was explaining that her and her DH have separated...she's hoping they can get back together and work things out but she isn't sure......I was surprised to hear her news.....it's sad...but I wanted her to know that life goes on. I explained about my situation and how it can be rough at the time but you get through it, life goes on, it changes but the world doesn't stop...that you just have to face it like a new adventure......that she'll be ok.....
I don't know if it helped but I wanted her to know I'd been there.....
The end of a marriage can be tough.....to all involved...it changes so much. But I know for me it was for the best and I wouldn't change my life for anything now.......my divorce was just a blot on the landscape....look how far I've come since!!!!!!
And there are wonderful, loving, kind and generous men out there like Lloyd.....men who don't see children as an inconvenience...men who happily accept your children as their own.....
Lloyd and I drove into town this morning to collect Laurie - he slept over at the twins house last night....most weekends he stays there and loves it......their parents work and it seems they always have 'cool' babysitters and lots of people going in and out of the house.....we stopped off for coffee and croissants too.
This afternoon I took Abby to N's birthday party.....she had fun there...I learnt what a Peony is and now want to buy some to plant around here...although I'm wondering if the big plant at the front with the biy buds ready to burst is actually a dark pink peony. They smell beautiful.
I was chatting to a lady at the party who is from Guyana...she seemed surprised I knew where it was ;) She moved to the NWT from Guyana...wow what a difference in climate!
N's Grandma was at the party.....her voice was shaky and reminded me exactly of Nanny Collison (except for the slight Canadian accent).....it was amazing listening to her talk and took me back 25 years to when I would go to my Nans house.....they years go by so fast, she died 16 years ago. Where does the time go?
When I got home Lloyd had been cutting the grass in the front paddock...sadly he had run over a little bird hiding in the long grasses....we think it was a song sparrow.....we have hunted and hunted for it's nest but can't see anything. Lloyd was feeling terrible for hurting it. We wanted to cut all the long grass back but now aren't sure what to do....maybe wait a month until all the nestlings have flown just in case!
Lloyd is now making the new cheery bookcase for the sitting room. Apart from the sofas and crown molding, that room is now finished...we just want to find some nice paintings for the walls.
Yesterday was nice. Lloyd and I took Sam and went to Costco and bought the bookcase. After that we took Sam home and went back into town to take Laurie to his sleepover and we sat in Starbucks in Chapters for ages over coffee (I had a strawberries and cream frapuccino - yum!!!! We got some snacks for the evening and then headed home. We cut some more grass and tidied up outside....Chris's friend left around 3pm. We lit a fire in the firebowl and the kids had hotdogs cooked on the fire.....then Lloyd lit a big fire to burn some hay bales. He had poured gasoline on the fire to get it started and wow what a bang when he lit it - silly fool!!! He thought it was cool of course (groooooan) as did Chris who was on the trampoline.
The sky darkened so much and it looked as though a storm was coming. We sat on the porch and watched clouds come closer and then the wind hit us and the rain and it was wonderful!
We came in around 9:30pm and Lloyd and I curled up to watch 'The Perfect Man' a movie with Heather Locklear and Big from Sex and the City. It was quite a sweet movie really.
So Sunday evening is here yet again...another weekend is over...Lloyd goes back to work tomorrow. The boys have homeschool gym in the afternoon......the dogs will need walking, the laundry will need to be done and the dandelions will have grown another inch or two......
.......life goes on ;)