Yesterday we had an appointment to have the childrens portraits taken. The local company that takes school portraits had advertised for volunteers to model for them so that their photographers could practice on children of all ages before the school year starts. In return, the parents get two sheets of pictures of each child for free :)
I figured this was a great deal so I signed up! I even bribed Chris to go! He agreed after I got my Mom to ask him nicely to have his picture taken for Grandma ;) He didn't agree to smile though ;) He also refused to wear matching tshirts to the rest of his siblings lol - and I agreed NOT to push that one lol!
So yesterday we headed to a park in town near a pretty creek and met with the photographers and the kids had their pictures taken - all except Sam that is - he plain out REFUSED!!!! And no amount of bribery helped! Sigh!
But this park was so pretty and I had never been there before - I think I will head back there with Sam one day when the kids are in school and take a picture of him myself so I have a matching picture of him to go with all the other pictures! I may even go back there to take some Fall pictures of the kids! There is a pretty bridge and a pond and lovely big trees!
After the portraits were done the kids cooled off in the spray deck (fully clothed) as it was 34c out! and then we headed to the 7-11 for some slurpees before going to Sobeys to get the picnic food for todays 'supposed' trip to the pool - which is now for tomorrows picnic and day out instead!
Our trip to the pool turned into a trip to the movies instead and a playdate here at home with paintballing in the woods instead!!
I'm kind of pleased in a way as I am enjoying having some relaxing time at home - its been a lot of rushing about lately and I need more quiet time at home - today was also a chance to get caught up with cleaning the house and scrapbooking! I'm obsessed with mini albums at the moment :)
Abigail has been crafting all afternoon too - she's using my hot glue gun to decorate things - no doubt she will post about those on her blog though :)
The piccies above are from my cell phone (lol) and are of Susie at the park, then Chris with his slurpee, then of Abby and Sam in the spray deck in their clothes :)