I feel like rambling and I have no idea what this post is going to be about so bear with me.....
Abigail and Samuel are sat watching Cinderella...Sam has 9 dodo's with him - NINE!!!!! I found so many in th eback of the sofa yesterday and then more upstairs...so we put them all on the bedside table and this morning he found them and tried to sleep on top of all of them......so he is loving just stitting with them all on his lap! Funny boy!
I was awake at 7am....I had to write a note for the school for Scraparama and another for the school to say Susie isn't going home on the bus but instead is going to her friends house straight from school.....then Lloyd called to say there was an Edmonton Journal at the end of the driveway ina bag - so I sent Laurie down to get it - its ideal as I wanted to sign up for their weekend package anyway.......so I sat in bed this morning reading the Journal and drinking coffee :)
Todays journal has a lot of good articles including one for newcomers to Edmonton on ways to see the city cheaply - it includes things like volunteering at the fringe etc and working as an Usher at Rexcall to see the concerts and hockey games free.....
I miss Lloyd. I loved having him home all last week....
Today I have to get all my supplies ready for Scraparama - I can't wait to see everyone who is coming....Cori have we ever met? I don't think I have ever met you but I can't be sure because I've 'known' you online for so long that it feels impossible that I have never met you.....so I can't wait to meet you tomorrow or at least see you again :)
I love this dressing gown....(robe??????? ) I'm sat here wearing my red dressing gown that I had for Christmas....it is a La Senza one and is that really really soft velvety fabric...really plush and I don't know what its called...buts its just so soft and warm - if you need a new dressing gown then get one of theirs...its heavenly.....
There is an article in Weightwatchers magazine about making changed permanent...it's quite a useful article and one I think I will follow.....I lose 15lbs but then I lose interest and gain it back...then I lose it again and its like 15lbs is my magic number - I hit that number and then give up.........why??? WHY????
So I plan to follow this article and see if it helps me stick with it beyond that 15lbs!!!
We are all eating weetabix for breakfast mmmmmmm
My older children all had oatmeal (porridge) which is fine - its good for them BUT they never put their bowls to soak in the sink which means the oatmeal welds itself to the bowl :(
Susie and Laurie start swimming lessons at school today...every Friday until June.....they love to swim so they are very excited! Of course Sam heard swimming mentioned and then went on and on about it...swim???? swim???? me swim????? swim????? No Sam - not today!
The other day he turned to Lloyd and told him 'Its not fair!' lol I don't know where he got that one from....oh and then he was going to help Lloyd with the painting but Lloyd had to get everything ready for it and so Sam followed him around the house asking "ready??? ready???? Ready Daddy??????? ready???? ready???? he was so excited...it was funny!
Abby and Sam just asked for seconds!!! More weetabix :) they are quietly eating it so they must be enjoying it!
Lloyd said if I wait until he gets home tonight then he will run me into town child free to get my scrapbooking things and the birthday gifts etc - I need snacks and lunch etc for tomorrow too.......
Yesterday I was trying to do 100 things at once....give the children lunch, declutter the fridge, feed the dogs and talk on the phone to Lloyd.....and I spun around and wacked my elbow against the chair sooooo hard :( its badly bruised and so painful..I can't rest it on the table :( I hope it doesn't cause problems tomorrow scrapbooking!
I ache today from the yardwork yesterday.....
3 hours ago