This morning I took Abigail and Sam out for breakfast - it was so nice...our waitress Grace sat with us and chatted and she is so great with the children - spoils them rotten...she always complains when I tip her but she has no idea how easy she makes going out for breakfast with children :)
It was a lovely start to the day - but Val we missed you :)
Oh and Mom - Grace asked after you and said to say hello!
We got home around 11:30am and we finally made some Gak....gloop, slime...whatever you want to call it! Lovely stuff! Anyway I will post the pics of that on our homeschooling blog (homeschooling first grade - link to the right) and while the children were happily playing with that (for AGES) I made some chocolate snowballs.....the dough is chilling in the fridge ready to be rolled into balls and rolled in icing sugar or coconut! Yum! It already tastes great!
Chocolate snowballs are a really easy no-bake recipe that kids LOVE to make and everyone loves to eat :) I like to tell myself that the goodness in the oats counteracts all the badness in the sugar, syrup and butter ;)
1 1/3 cups of butter
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 cups of oats
1 1/2 cups dessicated coconut
6 tbsp syrup
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp vanilla
2 tbsp cocoa powder (I actually add more than this but its up to you)
icing sugar or more coconut to roll the balls in afterwards.
Mix all ingredients together until it forms a slightly sticky dough. Chill for one hour. Roll into bitesized balls (some of ours are the size of walnuts/ timbits though). roll in the icing sugar or coconut. Chill and eat :)
Chris is sleeping at school tonight - at 8am this morning he started a 24 hour fast to raise funds for the school they support in Africa. I sent him with sleeping bag and pancake mix as they are breaking their fast tomorrow morning with a big pancake breakfsat.
Laurence is going to a birthday party sleepover tonight. Susie is bringing a friend back from school and I am taking all three girls to the movie night at the community hall....they are showing Shrek the Third. The Susies friend is sleeping over here.
Last night I had to attend another meeting about the Christmas party - it only lasted just over an hour thankfully.....it was quite a good meeting - only 9 days now until the party.
I will figure out the pictures a little while later and add them here.
In the pic above, Abigail 'stole' a snowball as I was taking a picture...but I thought the pic was cute so I kept it ;)