Today is Family Day here in Alberta. A Provincial holiday that allows families to spend the day together (hopefully) doing something fun together and drawing a little closer!
Unfortunately (or so we thought), our workmen were going to be demolishing what is left of our kitchen today, and so we had to vacate the premises for the day. So we couldn't stay at home and curl up with family movies and board games which is what my first choice would have been!
Instead, we decided the time had come for the children to go and spend the money they had received for Christmas and that they had earned recently. Our children don't get paid for their normal chores around the house but there are extra chores they do that they get paid for (ie the boys babysit and Susannah gets $10 a month for washing floors until the new floors are put down).
So we headed off to West Ed Mall for the day and they had fun choosing what to spend their money and gift cards on. The older three chose typical teen type things, gadgety things or clothes. Abigail chose a DS game and Sam chose a Playmobil car and then they both went to Build a Bear ad chose matching horses! Abigails is named Angelina and Sams is named Chestnut! It was fun watching them make and name them!