5 hours ago
Jun 25, 2008
Thinking of a friend!
A friend of mine is going through a very difficult time right now and I just want to let her know that she is in my thoughts. She knows who she is ;)
Hump day.
Blah day. Its so lovely and sunny outside and I should be oustide enjoying it - Sam and Abby are. I'm just not in the mood. Had to run some errands today. Picked Laurie up from his exam and ran into town. Grabbed some teachers gifts (nothing like doing things at the last minute lol) and some birthday cards and gifts that I needed, some groceries and a basket for golf balls that we needed. We had lunch out. Got a few other things we needed to do. Sam was a real pain in the butt - to the point that one lady said 'Ooh you have your hands full don't you' OMG like I really needed to hear THAT!!! I felt like throwing something at the old bag! Actually no. I felt like giving Sam to her while I did my shopping in peace and then coming back for him later. Or not.
He's playing with that bloody horn on his bike again. Stupid bloody horn. Bloody stupid idea to buy that!!!! I love you Lloyd but what a stupid fucking idea to buy him a horn! I have a funny feeling that horn is going to disappear never to be seen again!
Hump day. Can you tell I'm not in the greatest mood today. Lloyds on his way home thank Gawd. I can't even blame it on PMS. t is what it is. A bad mood. I'm tired. I read an article the other day in the local paper. The Sun. Sorry Sun readers but I don't buy the Sun because I'm a snob and its a Gawd-awful paper! The Sun here is just as awful as The Sun paper in the UK. and I'm a snob like my Mom. But they have them to read in Timmies and I was reading it in there and they ahd an article about how in Summer everyone in Edmonton looks dog-tired because its light almost ALL night because it gets dark after 11pm and light at 3am so no one gets any sleep so they are tired all day and look like shit.
Thats me! I'm not sleeping well. I can't get to sleep at night because its so bloody light out and then its light so early I'm awake again. Sod the kids, its ME that needs black out blinds! I nearly came off the road today because I'm so tired and I drive along sucking my thumb which is fine until I take the other hand off too to rub my wrist! NOT a good idea! Laurence starts screaming at me that I'm an unfit driver!!! But we got there and back in one piece didn't we??? Geez!!! It was just the roundy bit slip roady bit coming off of Hwy 14 onto Wye Rd I had trouble with...its hard to turn in a circle while you're sucking your thumb - thats all!
Chris is at work again today. Not sure what time he's finishing. Lloyd is home now - just come up the driveway. Susie is at a party. We have to pick her up at 7pm.
Oh and yesterday two teachers retired and the janitor - so as the school is next to a little airport - the kind with those boats that land on water....they took the teachers and janitor up in an airplane and flew them over the school twice - and all the students and teachers went out onto the playing field and the staff held up signs that spelled out 'we will miss you'!! Isn't that lovely?
Well I'd better go! Lloyds home!
He's playing with that bloody horn on his bike again. Stupid bloody horn. Bloody stupid idea to buy that!!!! I love you Lloyd but what a stupid fucking idea to buy him a horn! I have a funny feeling that horn is going to disappear never to be seen again!
Hump day. Can you tell I'm not in the greatest mood today. Lloyds on his way home thank Gawd. I can't even blame it on PMS. t is what it is. A bad mood. I'm tired. I read an article the other day in the local paper. The Sun. Sorry Sun readers but I don't buy the Sun because I'm a snob and its a Gawd-awful paper! The Sun here is just as awful as The Sun paper in the UK. and I'm a snob like my Mom. But they have them to read in Timmies and I was reading it in there and they ahd an article about how in Summer everyone in Edmonton looks dog-tired because its light almost ALL night because it gets dark after 11pm and light at 3am so no one gets any sleep so they are tired all day and look like shit.
Thats me! I'm not sleeping well. I can't get to sleep at night because its so bloody light out and then its light so early I'm awake again. Sod the kids, its ME that needs black out blinds! I nearly came off the road today because I'm so tired and I drive along sucking my thumb which is fine until I take the other hand off too to rub my wrist! NOT a good idea! Laurence starts screaming at me that I'm an unfit driver!!! But we got there and back in one piece didn't we??? Geez!!! It was just the roundy bit slip roady bit coming off of Hwy 14 onto Wye Rd I had trouble with...its hard to turn in a circle while you're sucking your thumb - thats all!
Chris is at work again today. Not sure what time he's finishing. Lloyd is home now - just come up the driveway. Susie is at a party. We have to pick her up at 7pm.
Oh and yesterday two teachers retired and the janitor - so as the school is next to a little airport - the kind with those boats that land on water....they took the teachers and janitor up in an airplane and flew them over the school twice - and all the students and teachers went out onto the playing field and the staff held up signs that spelled out 'we will miss you'!! Isn't that lovely?
Well I'd better go! Lloyds home!
A letter from Margori
We got another letter from Margori and her family today - the little girl we sponsor in Peru! Actually its written by her Mom Marilu, but there is a picture from Margori. The letter thanks us for one of the packages we went her, so it's lovely to know the things we send them actually arrive there! It mentions the photographs we sent, so I know they got the pictures of us we sent. By now they will have received another two packages from us since the ne they mention, but it takes so long for them to arrive from World Vision!
The other girl we sponsor, Malle, lives in Mali in Africa. I'm in the middle of getting together another package to send off to the girls - I love collecting things together to send to them but its limiting because everything has to be flat, so it's stickers, bookmarks or very thin books (in Spanish or French) etc etc...and the children draw pictures.....I write letters and the children do too...that kind of thing. I made them a red heart out of felt each last time too to hang in their home....
I really enjoy sponsoring through World Vision - more so now I know they don't push Christianity onto those who are not Christian! Malle is Muslim and we have been told to respect her religious beliefs and I love this! It means that World Vision, a Christian organisation is also respecting her religious beliefs!!! :) This completely reflects my beliefs too :)
If you are considering child sponsorship please do contact World Vision - you won't regret it :)
(oh and yes we all laughed when we read the BAD translation of Marilu's letter - I really hope they did NOT eat Margori in winter.....)
Summer in Alberta :)
Summer seems to finally be here, which means hot days followed by thunder storms in the evening :) Last night the children grabbed the umbrellas and ran back out into the rain before the storm thunderstorm arrived :) They were on the trampoline when the rain first started and came running in to grab the umbrellas :)
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