Lazy day today. Laurie came in this morning and curled up in my bed and we watched junk on tv. I am ashamed to say that my thirteen year old Son LOVES watching Nanny 911. So we sat in bed and watched that together, then we watched Jon and Kate plus Eight - Oh my goodness those poor children! They took them to the Crayola Factory - what a wonderful place!!! A factory where you get to see how all the crayons are made and then you get to go in this room and there are all these craft stations where the children get to make all kinds of crafts with crayola products - my kids would have LOVED it - there was glue and glitter and air dry clay and and paint and markers and playdough and everything a kid could desire!!! And these 8 children - you could see how excited they all were and Kate said how they aren't allowed paint at home!!! So of course the kids are all excited!!! And yet these children are NOT allowed to get anything on their clothes and they are only allowed to do certain crafts and they can't get anything on their hands and they mustn't make a mess!
In the end all the children are upset and having tantrums and saying it isn't fun and she blames them and says this is why we don't go on filed trips and they obviously aren't ready for field trips because they have melt downs!!! And I'm thinking why take them to a place like a crayola factory if you aren't going to let them have fun!
Kate said that she doesn't want to spend the day in the laundry room getting stains out. Surely the kids happiness is worth more than that? Their day could have gone completely differently and they could have had so much more fun if she had relaxed more and just enjoyed herself and let them get messy!
Grayson was in the bedroom with us while we watched tv and spent the whole time going in and out of the bedroom window for some odd reason - obviously enjoying being able to go outside safely onto the roof without Jasper being able to get at him :)
This afternoon Susannah had a workshop at the library called Wheel'o'rama or something, so we headed into town. While she was there, the rest of us ran to the post office as I wanted to post off a parcel to Stacey, and I ran into my friend Lucy who was grabbing a few groceries for her family canoing trip to Drumheller!!! 4 days on the river - how wonderful :) Can't wait to hear all about it - do you remember Lucy Val???
Got back to the library and ran into my friend Jennifer and we chatted for a while, then with Susie out of her class we headed for the food court where we got some drinks and snacks before heading home. We had planned to go to DQ for their Miracle Day like we normally do each year but Lloyd and I may run there tonight after date night instead and bring the children one home as a treat instead.
Date night was tonight. Lloyd and I went to Milestones for dinner - YUM! I had a Bellini (made me think of Charlynn and wonder how her road trip across Canada is going) and it came with a tiny plastic camel in it. I ordered the Seafood Mixed Grill was gorgeous and came with lavender roasted baby potatoes. Delicious. Lloyd ordered the meat loaf which kind of spicy and came with noodles and mashed potato and a mushroom jus or something or other and I tried it and it was yummy too :)
All in all it was really good and we were more impressed than last time :)
After that we headed off to get Chris's birthday gift for the weekend (he turns 15 this weekend) and then we went to Golf Town to get Lloyd some new golf shoes as he is playing in a game with some of his Directors tomorrow and his other pair have felt a bit tight lately so he wanted to get a new pair. I bought myself some pink golf balls in aid of breast cancer research just because they were pink and pretty and for a cause I believe in :)
The guy serving us in Golf Town asked us where we were from and then told us he was from SWINDON!!!!! Of all places!!! Hahahahaha - he moved over here when he was 11 in the early 90's but has been home several times and misses the food from back home a LOT!!!! (for anyone who doesn't know, Swindon is a town near my old home town)!!!!!
What else??? Oh Staples....we were in there for something for Laurence - he wants to buy himself an external dvd drive but they didn't have the one he wants - he's been saving up by working with Chris on the acreage down the road (hard work by the way!!!) but he will have to wait to get the one he wants that he saw online. I got two spiral notebooks - Lloyd mumbled something about me being a sad git...... lol. I don't care. I HEART them :) and this time of year with all the back to school supplies everywhere is one of my favourites :) I thought it was hilarious that he was from Swindon!
Driving home along the Henday Lloyd flicked from song to song picking out songs especially for me that he knew I loved :)
He was telling me that when he was on his way home from work he got stuck in traffic because of the Folk Festival, so he clicked on the navigation system to find an alternate route. It asked for 'State' and he used his voice recognition and said 'home' and it put in 'Hawaii' by mistake lol!
Oh I wish ;)
23 hours ago