So many things still haven't flowered.....so I still have things to look forward to in the garden over the next few weeks.
Today Lloyd and I got to eat our first strawberry from the garden (remembering that SOMEONE stole the first strawberry last week some time....so today Lloyd and I shared the second strawberry :)
It was VERY yummy :)
Our vegetable garden now seems to be growing well.
We have strawberries growing VERY well - in the next week or so we should have a LOT ready to eat - but I know they won't make it to the house - they never do - no matter how many we grow, they just get washed off by the garden and eaten there and then. WE have a tap by the vegetable garden thankfully :)
We also have raspberries and tomatoes growing there.
Peas, pumpkins, squash and watermelon and rhubarb.
Radish, golden beets, lettuce and carrots (a purple kind) and broccoli
Everything else is going to have to wait until next year. We just ran out of time, energy and motivation for this year! I decided to focus on my flowers which I am LOVING. I also planted a LOT of sunflower seeds but I am not sure if ANY of them grew. It may be hard to tell if any of them grew until Fall - because of where I planted them - I scattered them in fields where hay grows tall - I mixed the seeds in buckets of moist soil and clumped the seeds into lumps of soil to see if that would help them get started and we tried to sow them in old gopher hills etc etc and bare patches etc so the soil would help but there is no guarantee that it will work. I've since read that you should use a clay mix in the soil. (Actually MISS B if you read this thats an idea for you and your girls with flower seeds in the city as they suggest it to add flowers to the cracks in city sidewalks) our best sunflower ever survived from a packet of birdseed in the crack by our garage door! They suggest you put seeds in clumps of soil mixed with clay and then go around the city dropping them in cracks in sidewalks and then when it rains they grow and then in the summer the sidewalks look stunning :)