I got this from Cori's blog and she has given me the letter 'S' to do.....
Ten Likes beginning with S:
1. Sugar....love it....love almost everything that has it in it :) I gave up sugar about two years ago and did great for ages........but it just sucks you back in :) white sugar, brown sugar, syrup, maple.........I'm not fussy :)
2. Sunshine. I have S.A.D. so sunshine is important to me.....in Winter I have to use a lightbox to make up for the short days. I LOVE summer.......I love to sunbathe (yes I know its not good for you) Just being outside in the sunshine makes me so much happier!
3. Singing in the car......loudly! I do not sing in the shower....I am not the singing in the shower kind...but I love driving along the highway with the music playing and singing along loudly.......luckily my kids don't mind it and normally join in with me :)
4. Sex.....'nuff said ;)
5. swimming - one day I will have my own real swimming pool here at home....one day! I love to swim...I LOVE being in water......in the bath......the hot tub...but especially in the swimming pool.....I learned to swim when I was 8...a little later than most people but I sure made up for it. Almost every summer evening as a child/ teen I would head to the pool where my Dad worked....and it was just my favourite place to be! I ahve taken all my children since they were babies......
6. surprises - the nice kind :)
7. soft sheets and pillows.....clean soft linens on the bed....I'm really fussy about how they feel so we shop carefully......I could never order sheets or bed linens online because I'm very tactile and need to touch them!
8. sentimental keepsakes...I have several 'keepsakes' boxes filled with all kinds of cards and letters, gifts and treasures......
9. Souvenir stores...the kind you find in Jasper or Banff or Widecombe-in-the-moor......I love those stores and buying postcards, pens or pencils...or little momentoes of places we have been...
10. Snowglobes.....I collect them but they have to be very special and have sentimental meaning....I can't just buy them or order them from ebay or anything - they have to be gifts or of places I have been.......and preferably they have to play music......I have a gorgeous one from Disney World.....it plays 'Its a Small World'....I have one of the Ruby Slippers and the heels click as the music plays 'Somewhere over the Rainbow'.....I have some beautiful ones that Lloyd has given me over the years....Mothers Day, Christmas etc etc.....
Things I dislike starting with 'S'
1. sausages - hot dog kind, English style link kind......any kind.....after watching 'You Are What You Eat' and seeing exactly what goes into them, it turns my stomach.....but my children still eat them! I don't cook them though and don't eat them myself....
2. smoking - its stupid, its gross, its so bad for you. Its a waste of money. If you smoke you are stupid. There are so many treatments for that addiction now that there really is no excuse to still be smoking.....if you are a parent and smoke then you are even more stupid. Smoking - its disgusting!
3. socialising - I am a really unsociable person.....I am happiest when its just me and my family.......I really don't care for parties or group activities.....I get bored of people easily.....I hate having to try and 'fit in' with certain groups......I like spending time with good friends but I'd much rather be with Lloyd than anywhere else. I really have to be in the right mood to socialise.....
4. sales parties...the tupperware, stampin up, handbag, candle parties....I can't stand them! I HATE that it seems that these days people obnly invite you round so you spend money! Its ridiculous...and there are so many people selling this stuff now that I have no idea how any of them ever make any money! And it makes me sad to see friends who I KNOW are in a lot of debt already, hnd over their credit cards for HUNDREDS of dollars just to be a good friend or look like they are worry free.....I don't go to many sales parties....very very few. If I want to order something then I will seek out a sales person.....and if you start a business like that then please do not pressure me to have a party or order something.....I have stopped a few friendships in the past because of people who continually 'suggest' I ahve a party for them grrrrrr
5. shoe shopping. I hate it. Its something I only do when I have to. Although I love my new running shoes...worth every penny :) The most fun I had shopping for shoes was when I bought the shoes for my wedding.....Lloyd helped me choose them...the song from Greys Anatomy was playing in the store....and Lloyd insisted I have the shoes I liked the most :)
6. spaghetti - or rather I LIKE spaghetti but hate eating it in restaurants because even though I twirl it on my fork..somewhere between the plate and my mouth it ALWAYS falls off!
7. Scooping dog poop.....nuff said ;)
8. stiff legs and tight calves from running that mean I can't run every day. I hate enforced rest days.....they are frustrating....
9. SPD - symphysis pubis dysfunction. A problem caused by pregnancy when the pelvis separates too much due to softening of the ligaments....symphysis pubis separates too much and causes terrible pain and problems with movement......you can't even pull your own knickers up or down...you can't roll over in bed.....you can't walk by evening........I had this with three pregnancies.
10. Sitting in the doctors waiting room for an hour with two preschoolers who are BORED.....soooooo NOT fun!!!! They keep you waiting for a ridiculous length of time and make no apologies for it yet if you turn up even just 5 minutes late they cancel your appointment and charge you a fee!!!!! Grrrrrrr
So there you go - 10 likes and 10 dislikes beginning with S :)
4 hours ago