Outside my window...
The dogs are barking...chasing each other during tonights walk with Chris....
I am thinking...
I wish I had opened the peaches instead of the fruit cocktail...I like fruit cocktail but really I was in the mood for JUST peaches. I don't like fresh peaches but I love, love, LOVE tinned peaches...sooooo juicy!!!
I am thankful for...
Today being almost done - its been a long day and I'm glad it's almost done!
From the learning rooms...
We've done pottery today and learned about pinch pots. I'm still undecided about whether to take the journaling class in December...but I AM leaning towards signing up......
From the kitchen...
I think I'm going to go downstairs and make a big bowl of popcorn. We don't own a microwave - and no there will NOT be one in our new kitchen (we will however have a speed oven in the kitchen which is kind of similar) so I will be making popcorn in a pan with a lid and the kids love to watch....
I am wearing...
Jeans, t-shirt, black socks and a grey fleecy jacket that my Mom and Dad sent me from Marks and Spencers :)
I am creating...
ATC's for swaps, Christmas cards, Christmas tree ornaments, clay pinch pots and ornaments with the children, cookies :) various other things......mini albums, scrapbook layouts, felt things, water colour paintings, gifts.......
I am going...
....to have a lovely big party as soon as my kitchen is finished!!! :)
I am reading...
this months O magazine, this months WW magazine and this months Running Room magazine...
I am hoping...
That 2009 is a better year for EVERYONE :)
I am hearing...
Sam play with his bricks beside......Lloyd sleeping gently in bed beside me too (he isn't well) and the kids bumping about downstairs....
Around the house...
We have a LOT of work taking place but my house is going to look soooooo pretty when its all finished and its going to be sooo worth it :)
One of my favorite things...
is seeing Lloyds car drive up the driveway as he gets home from work each day....
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Parent/ teacher interviews tomorrow night. Pre-K on Thursday. Christopher's dentist appt on Thursday. The children have a day off of school on Friday. Festival of Trees this weekend....Christmas shopping....a date night....going to my friends house on Friday as she is having a sale to raise funds for an Orphanage in Ethiopia!
If you read this you are TAGGED!!!!
9 hours ago