I've not really been in the mood for Spring Break......I could do with quiet days with the kids in school to be quite honest! Instead of chaos with extra kids around. But actually the day turned out to be quite fun after all!
Laurie slept over at his friends house last night! They picked him up at 4:30 yesterday for a movie night and supper at their place and then he called to ask to sleep over. We picked him and his friend up at lunch time today and then we all went in to the mall and had lunch there.
Chris went off and met his friend Matt and they went to a movie. Laurie and his friend Chris went off shopping and had lunch. I wasn't hungry, so I bought lunch for the girls and Sam, and then we did some shopping for Susie. She's now wearing age 12 jeans!!! They are my height!!! (sadly not my waist size lol) Then we got her shoes and she's a size 4....
Heather!!! I bought The Secret Life of Bees!!! Then I sat in the library and started reading it while Sam played with the train and the children chose books and used the computers.....
Today was really my only quiet day of the week and I had originally planned to be at home until Susie announced her pants and shoes were all too tight! This she announces all of a sudden this weekend! So now she has a few things to get her through the week until we go further afield to get her some clothes.....SP doesn't have many stores but I am not going further afield with ALL the kids lol.....
OK off to bed :) night night!
4 hours ago