I finally got me a crockpot!!! :) I kept meaning to order one from Airmiles but never get around to using my airmiles!! And then I got given a free crockpot at Superstore and I LOVE it :) Meatballs in a really yummy sauce......potato and bacon soup....sweet and sour chicken....prepare it all the night before - switch it on in the morning and it's done when we get home in the afternoon!! It's a homeschoolers dream!
I can prep everything while Sam and Abby are doing their morning work...soooo easy and just one big dish and the meat is sooooo tender because it's slow cooked!!! Ok ok so everyone was telling me to get one for soooooo long - why did I not listen????? LOVE IT!!!! I am collecting recipes - low fat ingredients if poss please! Although I am pretty good at changing recipes and making them low fat/ lean anyway!!! I do that with almost all my recipes already!!