Jul 19, 2006
homeschooling article
Great article on homeschooling :)
I believe this is the first of six so I will add more links in the future to these great articles :)
At the bottom of the article are letters in response to the article....for them to make sense you have to read from the bottom up because some of the top letters are responses to some of the bottom ones ;)
Anzac biscuits........
These are the biscuits (cookies) that J brought to the homeschool group yesterday for everyone to share....YUM!!!! I surfed online to find the recipe and yay now I plan to make some!!!!
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 cup rolled oats (regular oatmeal) uncooked
- 1 cup desiccated coconut
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 tbsp golden syrup (or honey)
- 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 2 tbsp boiling water
- Combine the flour (sifted), oats, coconut and sugar in a bowl.
Melt the butter and Golden Syrup (or honey) in a saucepan over a low heat..
Mix the bicarbonate of soda with the water and add to the butter and Golden Syrup.
Pour the liquids into the dry ingredients and mix well.
Spoon dollops of mixture, about the size of a walnut shell, onto a greased tin leaving as much space again between dollops to allow for spreading.
Bake in a moderate oven, 180C / 350F, for 15-20 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack and seal in airtight containers.
The American tablespoon is a little smaller than the British tablespoon, so be generous with your Golden Syrup (or Honey) and Water.
If you have any thoughts of keeping the biscuits for any length of time I suggest you keep them in a padlocked container!
Britain melts..............
It's hot in the UK......I'm glad I'm not there...the country can't cope with snow, rain and now heat.......it's like the whole country shuts down in 'different' weather.......
My Mum phoned this morning and was saying she has stayed indoors and done nothing all day...they have awful humidity there and no one has air conditioning......most cars aren't even air conditioned over there........
Alberta may get weather extremes but at least for the most part we are prepared.......
Booming Alberta.....
Alberta....definitely the place to be :)
I'm so happy and so grateful we came when we did...when house prices were low and we had time to settle and find this beautiful home before prices sky rocketed. We are very fortunate to live here in this gorgeous province with it's endless blue skies.......
Scenes from home

Pictures taken on our land today while I was out walking the dogs...... as you walk through the clover the smell is incredible....and the buzz of bees and insects is lovely.......butterflies fly up as you walk and dragonflies and damselflies are dancing around you........it's very very pretty out there...wild flowers in all shades of pink and lilac....white, yellow.......
Raspberry time.......
A wonderful story....
How wonderful to be together for so long and to die close together.......sad that life is over but they are still together.....
Ramblings of an over tired Mom........
I dropped Chris, then ran into Save-On for a few things for lunch....thought of grabbing coffee but figured I'd get one at group...get to the homeschool group and NO COFFEE Waaaaaaahhhhh! Luckily about an hour later K sent some over from her house and I found the biggest mug in the cupboard and finally had coffee!
HS group yesterday was nice.....very relaxing....we sat outside and chatted while the kids all played......J made some amazing cookies....Anzac biscuits - a New Zealand recipe that I now HAVE to find!!!! Gotta make some of those amazing cookies! I sat chatting to her DS F for a while, he was telling me how his Dad is paying him to dig the garden........and he plans to spend his hard earned money on, of all things, Yu Gi Oh cards!!!!! CRINGE!!!! so I did the totally wrong thing for an unschooler and said NO! You can't WASTE your hard earned money on junk like those cards........so I suggested I'd look after it for him ;) That boy is not daft ;) he laughed and laughed ;) maybe my kids have been talking to him ;)
I met a new lady at the group O, who has been in Canada for 2 1/2 years...from Russia...I loved her accent! So we were chatting about how we have settled down and how we like it....she has a boy a little younger than Sam.
R was there too......we had this fascinating discussion about how some peoples minds work in different ways.....I remember watchinga show a few years back about artists who paint sounds......they listen to a musical note and see a colour...or vice versa.....and R was telling me how some people see numbers and KNOW if the numbers are male or female...and what their personality is......so Laurie was sat beside us and HE has this in part........he knew which were male and which were female....
This to me was amazing......and we then had a disagreement about the number nine which to be should be male but R and Laurie were most stubborn about the fact that 8 and 9 are definitely FEMALE! (and I hear 8 is catty........?????)
After group we went back to R's for lunch.......I still find it funny that I used to walk past her house almost daily with Amber when we lived at the old house....I love her road....there are no driveways at the front...or ugly garages...and it makes for a really pretty street and is very 'North American' like in the movies........
We had lunch and the kids all played...board games, computer, and we sat in the sandbox outside for a while...is there anything nicer than sitting with your feet in cool sand...feeling it running through your toes? I was starting to wake up a little by this time
When I go to someones house I LOVE being nosey at their bookshelves.....you can tell a lot about someone from their books....and oh wow R's bookcases are filled with the most amazing books!!! Chris would be in heaven there!
After we left R's we stopped off at the 7-11, we HAD to....for old-times sake.....we used to walk to the 7-11 almost daily in the summer holidays when we lived in Clarkdale....and I would always buy poprock! So yesterday we stopped off and the hcildren go to choose some of the penny sweets (or 5c sweets as they are now) and I got my poprock...I love it...reminds me of my childhood, lying on the grass with my mouth wide open and the little pieces of candy exploding on my tongue......so if I'm ever at the 7-11 that is what I buy!
Have you ever watched a dog eat pop rock? Too cute! I remember giving Sam some when he was a couple of months old too...bad mommy.....lol....but I just wanted to see his reaction......he just looked puzzled as these little pink bits popped on his tongue! :)
When I got home yesterday I was just too tired to do much.......the house was an absolute mess so we all tidied up and then I washed all the floors which were sticky...Sam thinks its funny to spit milk ....yuck...and if you don't wipe it all up fast there are little sticky dots all over the floor......I hate sticky floors. HATE them lol! So once it was tody and I had thrown some potatoes in the oven I just flopped.........dinner was easy, jacket potatoes, chicken breasts and salad.......after dinner I soaked in the bath for an hour and Lloyd brought me up a cup of tea and some tylenol...then I flopped on the sofa and we slobbed in front of the tv all evening.......we haven't done that in months......we watched old reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (what a bizarre - but bizarrely funny movie!)
I remember my Brother in Law, Miguel, always warned me never to eat White Castle Burgers...they call them 'Wind Burgers'......need I say more?????
I took a couple of Gravol and after the movie we went to bed - early......and I am told I fell asleep on Lloyd...which he loves - except for the dribble hahahahahhaa! And I SLEPT!!!! Yay!!! Thanks to the gravol but at least I slept.......
So I had a lovely relaxing evening.....did NOTHING which is rare for us...... I really needed that though :)
Joke from Laurie:
Q. What has one horn and gives milk?
A. A Milk truck!
Lloyd bought some gorgeous bread from Safeway.........this isn'\t a good thing....I love nice bread...I hate cheap white sliced bread...but I love real bread.....crusty bread.....flavoursome bread....and this bread is GOOD...so I haven't had my oatmeal today...I had toast...not a great start to my day because once I start eating toast I don't often stop........especially with really good bread......