Yesterday the girls had some friends over for a playdate! It was supposed to be a day at the splashpark but the weather wasn't warm enough :( so we ended up playing here and Susie and her friends played paintball in the woods and went on the trampoline and played in the water and generally just hung out and watched a movie were just 'girly' (and annoying - omg girls are so ANNOYING and loud and giggly and screechy and did I say LOUD and ANNOYING????????? Boys when they come over are quiet but girls are just loud and annoying!!!!) but Abigail and her friend were lovely and did crafts and played Polly Pockets and were sweet and lovely!
We had a picnic outside and it started to rain so we took another big blanket outside and put it over our heads like a tent and carried on with our picnic in the rain and that was good fun :)
Two of the girls Mom is a friend and she stayed for ages chatting with me which was nice and they all wanted to meet my bees and our new pig and see the renovations and I was chatting with her about Abby going to school and her new diagnosis and their house move and everything so she was here a good couple of hours or so which was really nice.
We opened up the hives and everyone tried the honey and loved it :) The second time we opened up the hives it was cooler and damp and the bees weren't too happy and it was more 'dramatic' and sooo funny! Holly thought started calling me the mad English bee lady!!!! But no one got stung and everyone enjoyed the honey and thats the main thing!
In the end Susie and Abigail were invited to go on a sleepover to the girls house for the night - Abigails VERY FIRST sleepover EVER so of course Abby was very VERY excited! So she packed her bag (would have packed for a month if we'd let her!) and off she went on her her sleepover thrilled to bits! She phoned at 9pm not to say goodnight but to ask if she could sleep an extra night! Lol! She wasn't missing us. I started asking her if her friends had left some shoes at our house and she was obviously bored with talking to me so mid way through my conversation she asked to speak to her dad.......he was all sad talking to her because she is growing up too fast and he missed her (lol) and he was moaning to me about how fast they are all growing up (lol) but it was so quiet and so easy at bedtime and this morning no mess to clear to up and no chaos and noise :)
No one phoned at all so at 1pm I phoned to ask if I should pick them up and they are having a great time! So they are staying for the afternoon and will call when they need picking up!
So I'm Mom to one for the day! Laurie, Susie and Abby at sleepovers. Chris at a friends! So just Sam and I here! And the workmen!