Yesterday Christie came over to scrapbook........um.....how much scrapbooking did we get done Christie????????????? Not much lol! Christie did NONE lol and I did half a page.........but we looked at pictures, talked a LOT and spent most of the time laughing........I had a blast!
In the pics above you can see Christie happily made herself at home.......although her comment about my decent English teabags tasting no different to Orange Pekoe was a MAJOR insult lol!
Mid way through the afternoon Nancy B came over with her gorgeous boys.......we went into the chicken coop and the children picked out all the eggs for Nancy to take home.............and I was educated on diaper-free babies which I find fascinating!!!! I had never seen crotchless pants for babies before...I figured crotchless clothing was from 'adult' stores only!!!
So Nancy was saying how my blog me look so capable...yet I am in awe of her with her amazing boys and her patience to go diaper free (which has so obviously paid off.........) and her amazing 4 year old who just seems so grown up and was showing Abby how to ride a bike without training wheels...............which of course she now wants to try again after a few tries this summer......
Laurence called and said he wanted to sleep over another night at his friends......and Fern called to say she has some mail of ours so I am hoping to call around and see her new baby!
Lloyd forgot to take his wallet to work yesterday so borrowed some money from a colleague for lunch and then was worried he didn't have enough gas to get home.....luckily he made it home and we made it to the garage for gas..............but it also meant we had to go into town for groceries as he couldn't stop off on his way home........
We ended up going to Smittys for supper and then running into Sobeys for bread and a few other things.........I was really tired by the time we got home........so we flopped on the sofa and watched a weird documentary about Miss Olympia..........which I plan to blog about!!
Anyway, it was lovely to see Nancy yesterday.....and I had such fun with Christie all afternoon. We must 'scrapbook' again soon ;)