Sam was up all night last night. Turns out it's definitely NOT allergies Val - his fever peaked last night and he started hallucinating because of it. At 4am he was seeing bugs everywhere and screaming the place down. Wanted to be held but when he was held he was screaming because he could see bugs crawling on us....wanted to go down but could see bugs crawling on the bed.....poor little guy. I have only ever had two children hallucinate - Sam and Susannah - Susannah reacted badly to her meningitis C vaccination when she was a toddler and she started hallucinating about bugs everywhere too.....weird!
Last night we had to keep propping him up when he DID sleep because when he sleeps flat he gets so chesty and coughs so much he is almost sick - but he hates to sit propped up - he likes to sit flat with his legs up on someone.
NOT an easy night. Eventually the fever broke and he finally fell asleep on me. Lloyd gave up on falling back to sleep and just went into work early. I got a couple of hours sleep but not much and then spent much of the day reading and napping on the porch. I love sitting on the porch when its raining. We had blankets out there and the cats were out there too and we just enjoyed being snuggled up outside with the rain pouring down around us but we were warm and dry.
Sam fell asleep late this afternoon and Lloyd and I took the chance to run into town for some pet food as we had none for the dogs and cats. Grabbed a coffee out and a new book for me to read. Then home and Sam had just woken up so timing was perfect!
Now I'm going for a bath and Sam is coming in with me.....then early night for all of us to catch up on what we missed last night. Goodnight all :)
Tara if you read this I couldn't agree more - this rain is much needed - especially for the pee spots ;)
Everything is sooooo lovely and green out now. My bees may not be enjoying it but I am loving the rain - and the bees will enjoy the pollen it brings afterwards :)
7 hours ago