Here is the picture from our homeschool get together on Monday. I am posting it here instead of on the homeschool blog as this blog is locked and private and my homeschool one isn't.....I just feel happier doing that. It was a fun afternoon - you can read about it on the homeschool blog! I am really enjoying this group - I'm off for coffee with the Moms one evening this week to discuss plans for more get-togethers and field trip ideas. They have meet-ups several times each week!! It's a really pro-active group and as the organizers live in Sherwood Park, many of the activities are planned in and around this area!! They also include the Briarpatch homeschool group which is wonderful because I am involved in this now :) It is nice to find a group that I can feel involved in almost immediately - and some of the 'old group' are there so I know many of them already! Nice :)