Jewels have been a main theme of my day. Firstly, on the news this morning they said that Canada exported $1.6 billion in diamonds last year and that is set to double in the next two years. Wow.......so how come I'm not dripping in diamonds????????????????
In the car this morning Abigail was singing Michaels Bubles 'Can't Buy Me Love' but she was getting the words wrong and was singing "I don't care too much for Mommy, Cause Mommy's no diamond ring!" She asked if she had the words right. I said not quite but some may agree ;) lol!
It's been a busy day. We took our time getting going this morning and had no plans really....but then Chris offered to babysit Sam while I took the others to the homeschool drop-in group, so I decided to go. N had emailed me to ask if we would be there so I figured we'd go.
We got to the group around 10:30am and people seemed pleased to see us which is nice - I got a hug from L who had had her hair cut! Wow!! I didn't recognise her - thought it made her look so much younger! And she told me she had it done by the grade 12 students in town!!!
N had brought paper bag puppets for the kids to make and T had taken donuts for everyone...I just opted for the coffee though which is always good.
The kids had fun climbing trees and playing outside with their friends.....it was nice not having to keep an eye on Sam all the time. Next week is the Track and field day so we are staying for a picnic after the group. That should be fun!
N said she had the day free so I invited her back here after the group. I ran to Sobeys for a few things and then we came home...N was already here and the kids were on the trampoline.....
Basically the afternoon was spent outside...sitting on the porch, snacking, drinking and watching the children play. N got Chris to make a coffee and she also read his essay on why he wants to unschool next year.
The girls dressed up in all their different outfits and the boys pottered about playing......we took them to see the huge ant hill and N bravely put her hand in it to scoop some out, so we got to see all the tunnels inside and the ants all busy at work.
N decided to dress Sam up in Abby's cheerleading outfit - he thought it was funny - for a while!
Around 3pm we headed off for a walk over on M's land.....N taught the kids how to blow through grass to make a noise and how to make jewellery from dandelion stalks...which was pretty amazing!!!! You peel them like strong cheese and then place them in icy cold water and they curl up instantly! You can then thread them like beads!!!
My first issue of Live Free, Learn Free arrived today...haven't had a chance to read it all but what I have read is wonderful! Glad I subscribed!!!
Dinner this evening was a tuna salad with new potatoes. Light and easy. It's warm out......around 24c I think.....although the skies have just darkened so maybe it will thunder later - that would be nice!
This evening I plan to relax and read my new magazine. Lloyd (surprise surprise) is doing a bit of the coop. I do love him so much! Every morning he kisses me goodbye. If I'm awake and look out of the window to wave he flashes his hazard lights as a 'wave' good bye! Every morning I have a hot coffee left beside my bed in a thermol mug......this morning I found a little pink card he had made on the top - a little get well card saying he hoped I felt better this morning. He has always left me little notes and cards....I have quite a collection of them. I keep them all. Every few weeks there will be another one somewhere......sometimes they are post-it notes in cupboards or little pictures by my computer, or little cards somewhere to surprise me. I love it.
We still have 'I Love You' written in mascara on our bathroom mirror :) I woke up one night for the bathroom and thought I'd leave him a message for the morning :)
I don't know what I did to get so lucky :)