Today was the Christmas party at the local hall. I didn't get to go as my back was really hurting me. Yesterday it was fine and I thought it was healing nicely but today has been a bad day :( Not helped by al the ice everywhere outside :( sidewalks and parking lots are a nightmare EVERYWHERE because yesterday everything melted and then today it froze again :(
So I soaked in the bath and took two Tylenol 3 which didn't really help except to make me very sleepy. Lloyd took the three youngest to the party. Laurie stayed home with me and brought me a cup of tea up to the bathroom. Chris worked all day.
Last year I helped organize the party and had great fun doing so. This year it was being run by a certain couple who seem to ahve taken over the running of the village AND the school. Sadly this is one of the reasons that less and less people are helping out with ANYTHING here :( They are now in charge of everything here and run it 'their' way :( Lloyd said there were very few people at the party - much less than normal. So sad as last years party was wonderful. This couple seem to feel they have to run everything in the area. The woman is sooooo bossy and opinionated :(
In the summer when I did the photography for the racing cars she even gave me her thoughts on the fact that my children have to walk from the corner of the road where the bus drops them!!!! OMG!!!! She said I was a cruel Mother for making them walk so far (she was NOT joking!!!! I mean WTF??????? Its like a five minute walk if THAT!!!!! And they almost always cut through the back of our yard...omg no wonder kids these days are so out of shape!!!!
No wonder people don't want to volunteer for this women when that is how they are treated when they DO volunteer :( I didn't even get a chance to respond because after she finished saying her piece she turned and walked off!